Chapter 73

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Meanwhile, Melissa and Philip arrived at their home, just outside of Rochdale.

Melissa was furious with Philip. He'd had no right to tell Rachel all those lies about her abandoning him, or her still being married. Of course most of it wasn't lies, she was still married. But she hadn't abandoned Philip.

Philip knew she was angry, but he didn't care. She'd had it coming. He was glad someone had finally put her in her place.

"You're grounded" Melissa grumbled, slamming her bag down in the hallway

"Whatever, Mum. It's always everyone else's fault but yours, isn't it?" Philip snapped

"Oh shut up! How dare you go to Rachel and tell her I'm still married, claiming that I abandoned you!" She shot back

"I had to tell someone! Someone needed to put you in your place! YOU left me and didn't contact me once! Do you know how selfish that is Mum?" Philip argued

"For goodness sake! You're just like Rachel, making it a bigger deal than it is! I left you money for food; I paid the rent and the bills! Would I have done any of that if I'd 'abandoned you'?"

Philip scoffed

"That's not the point, Mum! You shouldn't have done any of it in the first place!"

"Listen to yourself! You've been around Rachel a few hours and she's already got into your head!" Melissa screamed

"At least she listens to me! She's done more for me in the last three hours, than you've done since I've been born!"

"Yeah, well, maybe you should go and live with her then! I don't care what she says, I'm going to marry Marcus in a few weeks and we'll be happy!" she snarled

"Fine, that's just fine! But don't come crawling back to us when you get arrested! We won't bail you out!"

Philip moved to storm up the stairs to his bedroom, when Melissa pushed him backwards. She was seething with anger

"GET OUT! I want you gone! You can live with Rachel for all I care! I want NOTHING to do with you! Pack a bag and go!" She cried

Philip pushed passed her, heading up to his room. He slammed the door angrily, throwing some clothes into a bag, before heading back downstairs.

Melissa had shut the living room door, chatting away on the phone to Marcus. Her tone was light-hearted and sweet almost like the screaming with her son had never happened. It made him angry. He knew in that moment that he was better off without her. Having no one was better than having her.

Pulling out his phone, he called for a taxi. He then swung his bag onto his shoulder and left the house, slamming the front door behind him.

A mixture of emotions shot through him as he stood outside on the pavement. Anger, frustration, and some other emotions he didn't fully understand. Philip Ryan wasn't good with emotions, especially his own. His first instinct was to ignore them. But he was feeling so much, every emotion inside him demanded his attention, demanded to be felt. And he hated it. The thought of being vulnerable made him feel sick.

The taxi finally pulled up on the curb. Philip clambered in, giving the driver Rachel's address. He hated the idea of showing up unannounced. But Rachel and Eddie had been kind to him earlier. He just needed a chance to clear his head and come up with a plan. Even if he had to go into care, it didn't matter. As long as he was away from Melissa, he didn't care where he ended up.

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