Chapter 2

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She studied him nervously. The fury in his dark eyes was obvious. They drilled into her, making her feel more and more uncomfortable. She internally kicked herself for letting this man have such an effect on her. Rachel was a strong woman; very few things intimidated her or scared her. But Stuart made her feel small, powerless and weak.

"Hold your nerve" she told herself

She straightened up, grabbing her laptop bag, ignoring his gaze that was burning into her.

"What do you want Stuart?" she asked, fighting hard to keep her voice steady

"I want to talk" he growled

"You and I are done, I have nothing left to say to you" she replied simply, moving toward the door to leave

He blocked her path, standing in front of her menacingly

"Let me pass" she demanded firmly

"Not until we talk" he hissed

"I just told you, there's nothing more for us to talk about! Now let me pass, I'm late for a meeting" she argued

He grabbed her arm, squeezing it tighter and tighter. She winced, desperately trying to pull away from him.

"You think you're so perfect, don't you Amanda? You think you can win against me, hiding behind that idiot of a deputy? Well where is he now, eh?" Stuart snarled

"Let me go!" she half cried, half yelled, hoping that Eddie was still in the building and would hear her

His fist flew into her nose with a strong force. Her head jolted backwards at the impact, but she stayed on her feet. She looked back at him defiantly, ignoring the blood that was beginning to trickle from her nose and into her mouth. He wasn't going to get to her.

She pushed him as hard as she could. A thud echoed through the office as he fell to the floor. Without a second glance, she made a run for it.

But it was no use, Stuart caught up with her as she reached the office door, dragging her back by her hair. She yelped, thrashing against him as hard as she could.

He pushed her onto the couch, shutting the door behind him. His face was red with rage. Rachel held her ground.

"What do you want from me Stuart, huh? I'm not helping you anymore! We are done! You're a bully and a liar!"

He slapped her across the face, her cheek stinging with the contact. She glared at him.

"I am not going down for this, Rachel! You've taken everything from me and you're going to pay! I don't know how you can call me a liar and a bully when you've done nothing but lie to everyone about your previous occupation! You and I are cut from the same cloth" he growled

"At least I never hurt anyone! I built a life for myself, got myself off that path and onto the right one! That's where you and I are different, Stuart! Do you think hurting me will get you your contracts back? Does it make you feel big and powerful threatening people, blackmailing them? You'll always be a cold hearted, bullying and manipulative bastard! You deserve everything you have coming to you!" she shot back

Rachel saw something change in Stuart instantly. She knew she had to get out, and she had to get out fast.

He lunged for her and she took her chance, dodging out of the way, standing up and kicking him in the leg. She heard him groan, but he didn't move from the door. She couldn't reach the door handle. Her plan had failed again.

It happened in a split second. Stuart grabbed her and shoved her. Her left side smashed into the corner of her desk, followed by her head. She fell to the floor, crying out in pain.

"Come on Miss Mason, get up and fight back!" Stuart taunted, towering over her

Her head was spinning, her vision cloudy. Blood flowed into her mouth, the revolting taste staining her tongue.

"Stuart, please" she whimpered

He laughed at her, staring at her as she lay on the floor, pleading and broken. She was getting what she deserved.

Rachel knew her pleading wouldn't change anything. Stuart didn't have an ounce of mercy or respect in him.

She heard him take something out of the box on her desk. It sounded heavy and clunky, made of metal.

She knew it was the hole punch, she felt it as Stuart smashed it into her ribs over and over again. A blood curdling scream escaped from her lips as she felt the bones crack and crunch with every blow, bits of metal puncturing her chest.

The metal of the hole punch shattered into bits around her, a sharp fragment landing beside her. She grabbed it, attempting to stab Stuart with it. But he was one step ahead of her. He took it from her, slamming it into her right wrist. She screamed as it sunk into her skin, piercing the bone.

She curled up into a ball as Stuart frantically kicked, stomped and punched her body relentlessly. She closed her eyes, begging it to stop. Blinding pain ripped through her as she continued to scream and Stuart continued kicking and punching her.

He pushed her onto her back, forcing arms above her head, pinning them there with one hand. She cried out as he pressed hard on her wrist with the metal embedded in it.

She knew what was about to happen, but she was powerless to stop it. He was on top of her, too heavy for her to shove him off. Her body was paralysed with pain and fear.

"GET OFF ME!" she screamed

"Oh come on, Amanda, you spent years earning your living on your back with your legs in the air, once more won't hurt!" he grinned

Rachel whimpered

"What? You think you deserve some respect from me? Some decency? Everyone knows what you are Amanda! A dirty little bitch! No one will ever love you, you'll always be a filthy little whore" he taunted

He ripped open her blouse, landing agonising punches to her stomach before pushing her skirt up to her hips, pulling her underwear off and forcing her legs apart.

"Please" she whimpered

Stuart didn't hear her. He entered her forcefully, holding her legs down tightly with his own as he pounded into her over and over again, his grip on her wrists getting tighter and tighter. Rachel screamed and cried out, the pain was too much and she just wanted it to stop.

As she lay there helplessly, she thought of Eddie, waiting for her at the pub. He probably thought she really had stood him up and wasn't coming. He'd have left the pub by now, probably reluctant to give her a second chance. She'd ruined it.

She felt Stuart stand up. Her body was shaking, part from pain, and part from fear.

Her eyes met his as he towered over her. An unsettling grin spread across his face as he zipped up his trousers.

"You finally got what you deserved, you bitch!" he hissed, kicking her head hard with his shoe. Rachel barely felt it, her whole body numb with pain.

"See you soon, Amanda" he growled, walking away

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