Chapter 34

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Rachel was getting ready in the bathroom when she heard her phone go off. She dashed over to it, seeing Eddie's name pop up on the message. She smiled, breathing a sigh of relief. He was coming over after school, and she couldn't wait. Hopefully they would be able to put things right.

The sound of the doorbell echoing through her house made her jump. She frowned; it was too early for Eddie to be here. The school day wasn't over. And besides, he still had the spare key. Surely he'd have used that rather than ringing the doorbell?

She went down the stairs and over to the front door.

The last person she'd wanted or expected to see was on her doorstep, grinning at her.

Stuart Hordley.

Her blood turned to ice as she stared at him.

"Miss me?" He sneered

Rachel lunged forward in an attempt to shut and bolt the door. But Stuart was quick, sticking his foot into the doorway and forcing it back open. Rachel fell against the wall, eyes filled with tears, suddenly feeling the powerlessness and fear she'd felt the night he had raped her return.

He stalked into the house, looking around with a smirk spread across his face.

"Not bad for a prostitute" he snarled

Rachel stayed glued to the wall, hoping it would swallow her and rescue her from this nightmare. She had to do something, but what?

Her body was screaming at her to run, but she knew he'd catch up with her easily. Her injuries might have been healing well, but she was too weak. Running wasn't an option.

As she leant back further into the wall, she felt her phone digging into her back. It was her only option.

She looked over to Stuart, who was still looking around the house, touching the photo frames on the wall. He was distracted enough for her to be able to type out a text. But she needed reassurance. She had to keep him talking.

If she could somehow get a message to Eddie...

"What are you doing here Stuart?" She asked, desperately trying to stop her voice from wobbling as she subtly pulled out her phone

"I thought we could pick up from where we left off. I wasn't quite finished" he shrugged with a smirk

Rachel quickly typed out a text to Eddie:

"Stuart is here. Help me"

"Haven't you caused enough damage?" She shot back

"Nowhere near, Rachel" he smirked

She hadn't realised he'd seen her pull out her phone. He strode over to her, snatching the phone away from her.

"I thought you seemed distracted" he hissed

Rachel started to tremble in fear as he looked at the phone.

"Aww, you were going to text lover boy! Did you think he'd come to the rescue? Don't worry; we can still invite him to the party!" He taunted

Rachel lunged for him in an attempt to get the phone back. He caught her by her hair, causing her to yelp as she thrashed against him desperately.

"Smile, Amanda!"

She saw the camera flash, blinding her temporarily.

Stuart let her go, throwing her onto the floor as he typed out a message of his own to Eddie.

"Don't worry, lover boy will be here soon" he teased

"You're a bastard" Rachel spat

He slapped her hard across the cheek.

"That's no way to talk to a client, is it?" He growled

Rachel glared at him defiantly, her whole body shaking.

He stroked her hair, the feel of his touch making her skin crawl.

"I wonder how much fun we could have before Eddie gets here. Shall we find out?" He grinned

He leaned over her, his breath hot on her neck. The smell of the alcohol on him made her feel sick. His aftershave was pungent and strong. Suddenly, she was back in her office again, pinned to the floor, powerless.

No, she wasn't powerless.

"Fight back!" She told herself

She head-butted him as hard as she could, knocking him off her. He landed on the floor in a heap, groaning.

"Not bad from a prostitute, eh Stuart?" She retorted

She wasted no time, standing up and heading for the stairs.

Stuart grabbed her ankle, pulling her away as he got to his feet. He whipped her round to face him, but she didn't feel scared anymore. She spat in his face, feeling satisfied as he yelled out in frustration.

"Not bad for a two- bit hooker" he snarled, grinning at her menacingly

"Get out, Stuart!" She snapped, pushing him off her

Before she could react, Stuart landed two blows to her stomach. She cried out, crumpling to the floor in pain.

Stuart stood over her triumphantly as she lay there, unable to move.

"Not so brave now, are you?" He smirked

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