Chapter 92

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Over at Tom's house, he and Steph had met up with the Estate Agent. Tom escorted him to the front door and let him inside.

Meanwhile, Steph had gone next door to the Kelly's house. She knocked on the door. When it opened, a younger woman with fiery red hair was staring back at her.

"Are you from the Social?" Rose asked, analysing Steph carefully

"No, I'm Steph Haydock. I teach at Waterloo Road. I'm Maxine's guardian. Can I come in?"

Rose raised an eyebrow.

"Have you go ID?" she asked

"Erm... will a bank card do?" Steph replied, pulling out her purse

Rose smirked

"It was a joke, I know who you are. You're still not coming in"

Steph rolled her eyes

"Then I'll get straight to the point. Maxine is leading me a merry dance at the minute,"

"Yeah, she's quite a character! Took a boot to the wall to shut her and Earl up last night!" Rose giggled

Steph sighed. She had a feeling she wasn't going to get anywhere with Rose Kelly.

"Listen, if you're here to have a go at me for letting them sleep together, you're wasting your time" Rose added

"Look, I'm appealing to you as a Mother. They've been caught... in the toilets together at school" Steph huffed

Rose chuckled

"Oh come on, don't tell me you've never had your arse up against a bog door?!"

Steph scoffed. This was definitely a waste of time.

"Do you know...? I'm sorry; I thought that we could have a reasonable conversation"

Rose went to slam the door in her face. Steph put her hand in the way, forcing it back open.

"Oh, and by the way, Tom's thinking of selling. I might have been interested, but now I know he's living next door to the town dump, I won't bother!"

Rose rolled her eyes dramatically, slamming the door in Steph's face.


Back in the house, Tom was showing the Estate Agent, Chris, around.

"How long have you lived here?" Chris asked, looking around the master bedroom

"Two years. Well, I don't actually own it; it was my ex-girlfriend's house. It's now owned by her two girls. I'm just living here with my new partner" Tom explained

Chris nodded

"Good neighbours?"

Tom paused

"Yeah, they're ok. You know, they've got kids, but..."

"We've had quite a few clients in this street in the last month. They're not selling" Chris informed him

He peered out of the window, looking at the Kelly's trashed front garden.

"That will put any buyer off!"

Tom sighed.

"So, what kind of price are we looking at?" he asked

"Six months ago, I'd have said you'd be looking at 200 grand. Now, you're going to have to compete with the rest of the street" Chris shrugged

At that, moment, Steph walked in.

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