Chapter 134

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Rachel stormed out, the staffroom door slamming behind her.

Eddie closed his eyes, letting out a heavy and frustrated sigh. He could feel the anger raging inside him as he looked over at Steph. He knew she was grieving and hurting, but she was out of line. Way out of line.

"Steph, you went way too far this time" Matt hissed

"Oh shut up, Matt! Like I care, she had it coming! She only got upset because she knows it's the truth" Steph huffed, rolling her eyes

Eddie walked over to her, glaring at her.

"You owe Rachel an apology" he said through gritted teeth

Steph scoffed.

"I owe her an apology? I think it's the other way round, Eddie! Maxine is dead because of her!"

"No, Steph. Maxine is dead because of Earl Kelly. Earl shot Maxine, not Rachel" Eddie argued

Steph rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, Eddie. She still let him into this school when she knew what his behaviour was like. She had countless warnings from all of us and she didn't listen. Now Maxine is dead. I stand by what I said. I hope she never has children. If she's like this as a Head Teacher, she'll be a hopeless Mother"

Eddie could smell the alcohol on her breath. It repulsed him.

"Get out of my sight, now. Or I'll be suspending you for drinking on the job" Eddie threatened

Steph scoffed, walking out of the staffroom.

Eddie groaned, running a hand through his hair. He wanted to go to Rachel, but he wasn't sure she'd want his company. But he had to make sure she was ok, even if she did send him away.

"Are you ok?"

Eddie turned to see Charlotte standing in front of him. He nodded simply. He was more ok than Rachel was.

"I'll have a word with Steph, get her to apologize to Rachel" she offered

"Thanks. I'm going to go and check on Rachel" he replied, heading out of the staffroom

When he got to Rachel's office, he found her putting some things into a box. She was visibly upset, and Eddie wasn't surprised. There were tears running down her cheeks and her hands shook as she tidied away.

"Rach, are you ok?" he asked, stepping into the office, closing the door behind him

Rachel stopped tidying, dropping her head into her hands as she began to sob. Eddie dashed over to her, pulling her into his arms.

"It's ok, you're ok" he soothed, rubbing her upper back with his hand

"I can't do this" she whimpered

"Rach, just ignore Steph. She's not thinking straight, she's saying things she doesn't mean" he reasoned

Rachel pulled away from him, wiping her eyes with her thumb.

"No, Eddie, she meant it. And I think she's right. Our baby doesn't stand a chance with me"

"That isn't true and you know it" he reassured, placing his hands on her arms

Rachel shook her head.

"If I couldn't protect Maxine from danger, how am I supposed to protect our child, Eddie? There is no way! I'm not good enough to be a Head Teacher, let alone a Mother!" she blurted, bursting into tears again

Eddie sighed sadly. He hated seeing her like this.


Before Eddie could begin to reason with or comfort her, she was throwing up into the bin beside her desk. Eddie knelt down beside her, holding her hair back with one hand and using the other to rub soothing circles on her lower back.

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