Chapter 12

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Twenty minutes later, Eddie dashed through the hospital corridor, sitting down in a chair, his leg bouncing up and down nervously. Seconds later, he stood up again, seeing Helen walking in his direction.

She smiled at him

"She's through here, follow me"

Eddie walked behind her, his heart pounding.

She led him into a hospital room, moving the curtain aside to reveal a sleeping Rachel in the bed. Eddie's heart threatened to break all over again at the sight of her. She looked worse, her nightgown displaying even more of her bruises and injuries. Her shoulders and collarbone were turning black and blue, the skin around her left eye and nose a mottled purple. Her lip was scabbed and the gash on her forehead had been stitched up neatly.

Her left wrist, which Eddie hadn't been able to properly bring himself to look at a few hours ago, had been heavily bandaged and placed in a splint. Her right arm was exposed, purple and blue bruises covering the once pink flesh. Eddie knew there was more, but he was scared to ask about the damage. Luckily, he didn't need to, as he stood there staring at Rachel, the nurse started to talk about her injuries.

"We removed the metal from her wrist and reset the bone. She has some major internal injuries that will take a while to heal and recover from. A collapsed lung, which we've managed to fix, all of her ribs are broken, and there is minor damage to the chest wall and spine, but nothing concerning. We had to remove her spleen and operate to stop the internal bleeding in her stomach. There is no damage to her skull or brain, but she is severely concussed"

Eddie nodded, blinking back tears again.

"She'll have to stay in here for at least two weeks, maybe longer. She's nowhere near out of the woods yet"

Eddie didn't respond, but he groaned internally.

"Does Rachel have any family we can contact? We've looked at her records and tried to contact her next of kin, but they weren't available" Helen asked

Eddie shook his head, sighing. Rachel had no family left, having cut ties with them at nineteen. She'd told Eddie that a couple of months ago, when he found out about her past. She must have put false information down for the details of her next of kin.

"No, she has no one" Eddie confirmed

"What about you? Is there anyone I can call to come and be with you?"

"No, I'm fine" Eddie insisted

"Are you sure?" She checked

Eddie nodded

"Alright, let me know if you change your mind"

She walked away, leaving Eddie alone in the room with Rachel. The sound of the multiple beeping monitors attached to Rachel filled the deafening silence.

He sat down beside her in a chair, taking her hand into his own. As he stared at her, the silence became too much. He couldn't bear to be alone with his thoughts.

He pulled out his phone, scrolling through his contacts. He didn't know who to call.

His phone landed on Steph's number. Eddie paused, should he call her? He knew Steph could be unprofessional and spiteful sometimes, but she did care. If a colleague was in trouble, she would be there to support.

He took the chance, dialling the French Teacher's number. She picked up straight away.

"I take it you haven't found her then?" She spoke

"No, I did" Eddie replied with a sigh

"Let me guess, she had just changed her mind?" Steph teased

"Uhm... no. No she hadn't"

"Oh. So what are you calling me for?" Steph questioned, confused

Eddie struggled to get his words out


"What's happened?" Steph asked

"It's... Rachel- she"

Eddie choked back a sob

"Eddie? Where are you?" Steph added when there was no answer

"The hospital" he managed to say through his tears

He heard Steph let out a painful sigh

"Stay there. I'm going to get in a taxi and I'll be there as quick as I can, ok?" She decided

"Thanks, Steph" Eddie mumbled, putting the phone down and looking to Rachel who was still sleeping

"I'll be right back, Rach, I promise" he whispered, letting go of her hand before heading out of the hospital to wait for Steph

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