Chapter 40

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Four weeks later...

Another month had gone by in a blur. Before Eddie knew it, it was October half term.

Even though the weeks had seemed to have flown by, he had been looking forward to having a little break to spend time with Rachel, something he hadn't had much chance to do being the temporary Head Teacher of Waterloo Road. He often spent the evenings after school, buried in paperwork, and by the time he'd finished it was late and time for bed. Rachel didn't mind though. As a Head Teacher herself, she knew how demanding the job was. Eddie was handling it well and, despite the fact that he would deny it, he still made time for Rachel. She had been looking forward to having him to herself over half term though.

Living together under the same roof had turned out to be the best thing Rachel had ever suggested. Like with everything else between the two of them, it felt natural and perfect.

Rachel loved being around Eddie. The more she was, the more she realised that he was her person, her soulmate. She often questioned how she'd got so lucky. He was everything she could ask for and more.

Eddie felt the same way. After a long day at work, coming home to her was the best way to wind down, even if he did have paperwork to do. He was head over heels in love with Rachel Mason and couldn't imagine his life without her now. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

The last few weeks hadn't been easy for Rachel. Recovering from the miscarriage had taken a toll on her physically and emotionally, more than she'd expected, especially on top of the injuries she was already recovering from. But she was getting stronger every day.

Eddie was so proud of Rachel. She was the strongest, bravest and most stubborn woman he'd ever met. And he loved her for it.

Eddie had supported and been so gentle and patient with her. She couldn't be more grateful to him. He had accompanied her to every follow up appointment at the hospital and had helped her to fill out the referral form to have counselling sessions. He'd even gone to her first initial assessment with her to ease her anxiety. She didn't know what she would have done without him the last few weeks.

Currently, she was still on the waiting list for her first counselling appointment. But that was ok. Rachel was hoping it would be worth the wait.

Last week, after visiting her GP for a check up, she had been deemed fit to go back to work. So, she and Eddie had spoken to the LEA. Her position as Head Teacher of Waterloo Road had been reinstated for the first week back after half term. She was so excited, as was Eddie! He would miss being Head Teacher, but if it meant Rachel would be working with him again, then it was worth it. The kids and the staff had missed her and, as much as they all liked Mr Lawson, they were delighted when they got the news that Rachel was coming back.

They'd spent the half term week going for walks together, cuddled up watching TV on rainy days and packing up Eddie's flat, which had finally been sold. Rachel had been banned from helping Eddie move the boxes out of the flat, because of her wrist, which was taking longer than anyone had hoped to heal. Eddie didn't want her to do anymore damage. Instead, she was in charge of making coffee and tea and keeping Eddie company whilst he packed, which she didn't mind.

Today was Sunday, the night before Rachel's first week back to work. Rachel was lying in bed, reading her book whilst Eddie was in the shower. She was attempting to relax in preparation for the school day awaiting her in the morning.

A mixture of excitement and nerves were rushing through her. A part of her couldn't wait to get back to the hustle and bustle of her job. She'd missed rushing around the school corridors, interacting with the kids, dealing with hormone enraged behaviour. She'd even missed Grantly and his sarcastic comments and old world views!

She was mostly looking forward to working with Eddie again full time. Of course she loved living with him. But at work, they worked so well together as a team and got things done. She'd missed that while she'd been off.

In all her time working in education, Eddie had been the best Deputy Head she'd worked with. He was a fantastic Maths teacher, and an even better deputy head. She'd never met a maths teacher that all the kids respected and got on with. He was the reason most of them enjoyed maths, he had a way of engaging every kid in his classroom. That to Rachel was the tell tale sign of a great teacher.

Even though she was looking forward to going back, she was nervous. The last time she had been at Waterloo Road, her past had been the talk of the entire school, thanks to Stuart Hordley. She couldn't help but worry that it would still be the talk of the school. Eddie had reassured her that everyone had moved on from that and no one thought any less of her. She still worried though.

And then there was her office. Her once safe haven in the school that didn't feel that way anymore. She hadn't been in there since the attack. The thought of being in there again, working full time, made her feel a little uneasy. But, knowing Eddie was going to be by her side, made her feel a little stronger. He was her ally.

Eddie stepped out of the bathroom, fresh from the shower, towel drying his hair. He smiled at her, watching as she read her book. Usually by now, she would have fallen asleep with the book in her lap.

"I'm surprised you're still awake!" He teased

"I know! It's a first for me!" She giggled, putting the book on the bedside table

Eddie climbed into bed beside her. She immediately cuddled into him, laying her head on his chest, breathing in the scent of his citrus scented shower gel. A scent she had grown to love.

"So, how are you feeling about tomorrow?" He asked as they settled into the pillows together

"Good... nervous, but good" she answered contentedly

"The kids will be happy you're back" he smiled

"And the staff?"

"Of course" Eddie nodded

"I'm looking forward to working with you again" Rachel smiled, drawing circles on his chest with her finger

"Ah, so I take it you're not sick of me then?" He chuckled

"Never" Rachel giggled, kissing him softly on the cheek

"We do make a good team, don't we?" He said, sighing happily

"I like to think so, Mr Lawson" she nodded, smiling at him playfully

"I'm glad you do, Miss Mason" he smirked

He kissed her gently and lovingly on the lips. Sparks flew again as the couple made contact with each other. Both of them smiled. It felt so perfect.

Rachel pulled away for air after a bit, burying her head in his chest again. She looked up at him lovingly. Eddie smiled. She was so beautiful.

"Bed time I think" Eddie decided

Rachel nodded, pecking him on the lips as they settled down in bed together, curled into one another as much as they could.

"Night, Eddie" she whispered

"Night, Rach"

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