Chapter 157

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Bolton sighed as he sat down in the empty canteen, a plate of toast in his hand. He'd been in the school gym since 7AM, throwing punch after punch at the boxing bag until he couldn't concentrate anymore. When the school bell had started to ring to signal the start of morning lessons, he had decided to take a break. That was why he was sat in the canteen, enjoying the peace and quiet.

Bolton wasn't the type to be nervous. Today seemed to be an exception. It was a big day. Not just for him, but for Mr Cleaver. It was his time to show off what he had been taught. If he won the UK Championships, it would mean so much to both of them. He couldn't let him down.

Whilst he felt ready for his match, he was still incredibly nervous. It was one of those situations where doing his best wouldn't be good enough. He needed to do more than his best, he needed to win. He had a lot of people relying on him to make them proud today. Janeece, his Mum, Mr Cleaver, Mr Lawson, Miss Mason. The whole school was rooting for him and he was determined to win.

Of all the people he owed this win to, it was Miss Mason. She had supported him from her first day at Waterloo Road. She had listened to him and given him a second chance. If it wasn't for her, he would probably be on the streets or behind bars right now. He certainly wouldn't be doing his A-levels or competing in the UK Boxing Championships. He could never repay her for what she'd done for him. If he could win and make her proud, then that was enough for him.

But what if he didn't?

What if he lost the match?

What if he wasn't good enough?

The thought made him feel sick. He could already see the look of disappointment on Mr Cleaver's face. He'd been pestering him most of the morning, criticising his every punch, sighing like he just wasn't good enough.

What if he wasn't?

What if he was physically ready, but not mentally? The mental aspect of boxing was just as important as the physical. What if he just wasn't quite there yet?

He wished he hadn't been so caught up with the situation between him and Earl. It would have given him more time to focus and prepare. Whilst he was relieved it was over and that he'd made his statement and signed the affidavit, he wished he'd not been such a coward and had done it all a long time before now. Then maybe he would feel more prepared for what he was going to face this afternoon.

He wished he'd gone to sleep earlier last night too. He probably wouldn't feel as tired as he currently did. But even though he'd gone to bed at 11pm, his mind was racing and sleep had eluded him.

He sighed as Mr Cleaver sat down in the chair opposite him.

"You should have been back in the gym 20 minutes ago"

"Sorry, Sir" Bolton mumbled

Mr Cleaver sighed.

"What's the matter, Bolton? Are you nervous?"

Bolton shrugged, leaning back in his chair.

"Look, Bolton, nerves are a good thing, mate! As long as they don't affect your performance" Mr Cleaver reasoned

Bolton nodded quietly.

"You have to have this fight won in your head. If you doubt yourself, you're going to lose"

"I don't have any doubts" Bolton shot back defensively

"Are you sure about that?" Mr Cleaver challenged

"Yeah, I'm ready"

Mr Cleaver scoffed.

"Bolton, if you think you're ready, then you're not ready! All I'm seeing here is nerves! The second you step into that ring, you've got to convince yourself that you are ready!"

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