Chapter 122

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Eddie parked in his usual space in the car park of Waterloo Road. It was 7:15AM.

He sat still in his car for a few moments. He was dreading today. Maxine was dead, and it was his job to inform the students and the other staff who didn't know.

How could he?

How could he break such horrible news?

Maybe if Rachel had been by his side, it would have been easier. But she wasn't well enough, and was as grief-stricken as he expected the entire school to be. Even though he was nervous and dreading today, he wasn't going to let Rachel down. It was his job as her Deputy and boyfriend to support her when she needed him. And she needed him more than ever today.

He was ready; he had a plan of action.

First, he planned to contact the LEA to ask them to bring in a school counsellor. That was a priority. The LEA had been informed of the events of last night by the Police. He was sure they would be in touch with Rachel and would be calling a meeting soon.

His next step was to brief the staff. A small handful of them already knew. Tom, Matt and Grantly. The rest, he wasn't sure about. There was Steph of course, but she already knew, and he doubted she would be in today.

Then, at 9AM, he was going to call an assembly and break the news to the students. That was going to be the hardest job of today. He already knew what he was going to say, he didn't need to write a speech. Lessons for today and the rest of the week were cancelled, but the school would remain open for the students who needed someone to talk to. He hoped the LEA would send a counsellor today, but if they didn't, he planned to make sure the staff was there to support.

He was doing the right thing, or he thought so anyway. This is what Rachel would do; this is how she would react. The students and their wellbeing came first, always. Education could come later.

Realising it was now 7:40AM; Eddie grabbed his bag and got out of his car.

He walked into the school building, wandering along the empty corridors and up the stairs to Rachel's office.

When he arrived, Bridget was already up there, typing away on the computer. Her kind smile turned into a frown when she noticed that it was just him on his own.

"No Rachel this morning?" she questioned

Eddie shook his head.

"She's not coming in today. She's not very well, so I'm in charge" he explained

Bridget nodded.

"You might want to deal with this email from the LEA, then. I think they've sent it by mistake" she explained

Eddie read the email carefully, closing his eyes as he sighed. The LEA hadn't made a mistake. Bridget just didn't know about Maxine yet.

"It's not a mistake, Bridget" he told her

Bridget frowned.

"Why do we have counsellor coming in for the next week?" she asked

Eddie sighed.

"Look, I'm briefing the staff at 8AM. If I tell you this now, it goes no further, ok?"

Bridget nodded.

"Maxine Barlow is dead. Earl Kelly shot her yesterday afternoon" Eddie explained

Bridget stared at him, speechless.

"Is that why Rachel isn't,"

"No. No, she is genuinely sick. I'm dealing with everything until she's well enough to come back" he interrupted

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