Chapter 155

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To say that Rachel was a little suspicious was an understatement.

The minute they had driven into Waterloo Road she had seen them. Chlo and Donte, hanging around their van on the school premises. It was unusual for any of the kids to be in school at 7:30AM, especially those two. They had an apartment that was a fifteen minute walk from the school and, on the last day of term, it wasn't like they needed to be in early.

Rachel had been fine with Chlo and Donte having their van on the premises during the school day. They used it for Chlo's hairdressing, so she could practice and earn some money at the same time. It wasn't something Rachel would usually allow, but, as Chlo was pregnant, she needed all the support she could get, not just in terms of her education, but financially too. By offering to style student's hair at break and lunchtimes, she was working her way up to getting her NVQ and making a bit of money at the same time. The two of them were doing well, or they had been anyway. Now it didn't look like it was the case. It didn't even look like they had just arrived. The van was set up as usual... almost as though it had never been moved.

Her suspicions were confirmed further when she and Eddie had approached them. Their eyes had darted in every direction, Donte's nervous laugh echoing in the air whilst Chlo kicked at the mud on her shoes. Something wasn't quite right; she could tell by Chlo's greasy hair and the mismatched yellow top and grey joggers she was wearing. She could tell from Donte's scruffy uniform that smelt like it hadn't been washed.

"I don't understand how you don't think that was odd!" she huffed as she walked down the corridor with Eddie

"Rach, they said themselves they just got here early to sort some things out!" he reasoned

"And you honestly believe that, do you? You believe that two kids have willingly come to school at 7:30AM on the last day of term and act suspicious when the Head Teacher and her Deputy walk past them?" she challenged, raising an eyebrow at him

Eddie thought for a moment. Looking back, it did seem a little strange, especially with their shabby appearances. It was hard enough getting some of the kids in at 8:30AM when school actually started. Maybe Rachel was right, she usually had a good instinct with things like this. But what could they do? It was the last day of term.

"Look, I'll speak to Tom this morning if I get chance, ok? If not, then we'll just have to keep an eye on the situation when we come back after Christmas, alright? It's not really any of our business, Rach, it's between them and Tom. There's nothing we can do until we've got the facts" he pointed out

Rachel nodded.

When they reached her office, Rose and Denzil were already sat in the antechamber waiting.

"Hi, Rose. Welcome back, Denzil" Rachel greeted

Denzil smiled at her nervously.

"It's nice to see you back, Miss Mason. Are you feeling better?" Rose asked

"I am, Rose. Thank you"

"Good. I'm sorry we're a bit early... it's just that, I need to be in the kitchen with Candeece" Rose explained

"That's fine, we can talk now. Come through" Rachel nodded

They all clambered into the office, Rachel closing the door behind them. Eddie settled himself at the table, whilst Rachel sat at her desk. She could tell Eddie had been occupying her chair for the last week. The seat had been lowered and the back rest was reclining too far back, making it feel like she was lying down rather than sitting up. She made a mental note to adjust it later.

"So, Denzil, it's nice to have you back. How are you doing?" she started, turning to the eleven year old

"Fine, thanks, Miss" he mumbled

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