Chapter 14

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Eddie sat back down in the chair opposite Rachel's bed, holding her hand.

There had been no change, she was still unconscious. Eddie was relieved that she hadn't woken up alone, but he hoped she'd wake up soon. He wanted her to know he was there, like he'd promised her he would be.

The conversation he'd had with Steph had helped. He was more than prepared to be there for Rachel in any way she needed him. He would help her through this. The Police were tracking down Stuart; all he had to do was focus on Rachel.

He felt her hand shift in his own. His head shot up, looking toward her. She was stirring, her eyes fluttering open slowly. He stood up as she began to take in her surroundings. Her eyes found him immediately.

"Eddie" she whispered, her voice hoarse and groggy

"Hey, Rach" he whispered back with a gentle smile

She moved to try and sit up, Eddie stopping her as she gasped in pain.

"Don't try to move, Rachel. You've had surgery. Just lie back and rest" he instructed, gently laying her back against the bed

Rachel nodded weakly, resting her head on the pillow. Despite the painkillers she'd been given, every inch of her body ached. Her head felt heavy and her legs felt like lead. She struggled to remember how she'd got here, why Eddie was by her side at the hospital and why she of all people was in a Hospital bed.

Then she remembered. It all came back to her at once, the memory hitting her like a ton of bricks. She froze, staring at the ceiling to prevent tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Eddie" she whimpered

Eddie frowned

"I don't ever want to hear you say that, Rachel! None of this is your fault!"

"I stood you up, Eddie! I said I'd meet you at the pub for a drink and I bailed on you, after everything you've done for me," she cried

Eddie sighed. Once again, she was thinking of others before herself.

Eddie knew what she was doing. She thought he didn't know what had happened, and she was trying to make it stay that way. He wished she'd stop, because he knew all of it.

"Rachel, stop, ok? I know. You don't have to pretend"

She frowned at him

"What do you know?" She asked

Eddie sighed heavily at her change of tactic. Now she knew that he knew what had happened, she wanted to know how much he knew.

"You were attacked Rachel... you were attacked and raped"

Rachel stared at him, fear flashing through her eyes at his words. But Eddie hadn't finished talking.

"And I have a pretty good idea who it was. If I ever see Stuart Hordley again, I'll kill him"

"Eddie you've got it wrong! Stuart didn't touch me"

He knew she was lying from the way her lips began to tremble and her eyes filled with tears.

"Well who did then, eh?" He questioned

"No one! Look, I fell down the stairs and came off worse than most, ok?" She argued

Eddie raised an eyebrow at her

"Really? So why was I the one who found you lying unconscious on your bathroom floor? Why did the Doctors want to examine you internally? Why was I called back to School to find your office trashed?"

Rachel didn't answer him. She turned her head away in an attempt to hide the tears in her eyes.

"I know what happened, Rachel. You don't have to pretend, alright? I'm here for you" he promised

Eddie paused. Rachel's eyes were glazed over with tears. He was upsetting her. He quickly regretted being so harsh when she was hurting so much physically and emotionally.

He took her hand into his own again in an attempt to comfort her.

"It's ok, Rach" he reassured

She burst into tears, her body shaking with sobs. Eddie moved next to her carefully, sitting with her on the bed. He draped his arm around her shoulder. She flinched at first, half in pain, half from fear of a man touching her again, even if it was Eddie. Eddie pulled his arm away, but Rachel pulled it back, resting her head against his shoulder as she continued to sob.

"Can you stay with me?" She asked, looking up at him

Eddie nodded

"Of course. I'm not going anywhere until you tell me otherwise" he promised

Rachel nodded, settling further into him.

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