Chapter 123

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Janeece approached the school gates. She paused as she watched all the students piling into the building of Waterloo Road. Some were smiling and laughing. The sound of laughter was physically painful for Janeece to hear. She wasn't sure if she would ever laugh again.

She wasn't really sure why she'd come to school. Everyone had told her yesterday to stay at home today. Her Mum, Miss Mason, Steph. And yet, here she was, stood outside the gates of Waterloo Road.

The truth was, she hadn't been able to sleep. Janeece had been awake all night, staring blankly at the ceiling, crying on and off. The pain she felt in her heart was overpowering and enough to keep her awake. She'd been lying in bed, with only her thoughts for company, until she physically couldn't stay there anymore. When daylight had started peeping through the gap in her curtains, and her 6AM alarm was going off as usual, she got up and got dressed. She couldn't stay at home all day, she didn't want to. So she had gotten ready and walked to school.

The thought of being here now, at school, repulsed her. And yet, the thought of being stuck at home did too. In fact, the thought of being in a world without Maxine repulsed her.

Just 24 hours ago, Maxine had been alive. She'd walked into school, just like she would any other day. How could it be that her best friend had been here one minute and not the next?

Just 24 hours ago, Janeece's world had been colourful and full of life. She had her best friend by her side. Even though they'd had a disagreement at lunchtime, it didn't matter. Maxine had been there. And now she was gone, leaving Janeece in a bleak, black and white world that was deafeningly quiet. Maxine had gone, and she had taken the colour from the world with her.

Just a few months ago, they had started to plan their joint 18th birthday party. They'd talked about going to University together, getting a flat together somewhere whilst they studied. And then, once they'd graduated, going travelling for a year. They'd talked about what their life would be like when they were older, their children growing up together, how they'd always be there for one another. So many plans and dreams for a future that was now gone. Maxine's life had been ripped away from her before she'd even had chance to live it. It wasn't fair.

Janeece felt guilty that she had survived the events of yesterday afternoon. Why hadn't Earl shot her instead and let Maxine live? Or if he had to shoot someone, why hadn't he shot both of them? Because Janeece didn't know what to do now Maxine was gone. She was lost without her best friend. Everything felt pointless.

Why hadn't she called an ambulance the second Earl had walked into the living room with that gun? Why had she called the police first? Would Maxine still be here if she'd called the ambulance first? Janeece didn't know. And she'd never find out.

How had she been so naive to think this was just a 'classic break-up'? This was Earl Kelly they were talking about! Why hadn't she taken Maxine to her house yesterday, instead of Steph's? She would have been safe there. But that was just it, Janeece hadn't thought either of them had been in any danger, and neither had Maxine. She'd underestimated Earl Kelly, everyone had.

Janeece's mind was whirring constantly. It had been since yesterday afternoon. All the things she had done wrong in relation to what happened kept circulating around in her mind, taunting her. She knew she couldn't change any of it, it was too late. But it didn't stop her from wishing that she could. Seeing Earl for what he really was, finding out about that baby had cost Maxine her life.

The sound of the bell echoed across the school grounds.

Janeece wiped her tears, swinging her bag onto her shoulder as she walked across the car park and into the school building. She regretted her decision to come to school with every step she took.

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