Chapter 150

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The Doctor escorted Eddie into a curtained off cubicle on the ward. His heart throbbed with pain when he saw Rachel lying on the bed. She was fast asleep, her silky, brown hair strewn out over the soft white pillow. An assortment of beeping monitors and IV drips were attached to her. The cut on her head had been cleaned and neatly stitched. A bit of colour had returned to her skin, but she still looked deathly pale. She wasn't out of the woods just yet.

"I'll come and check on her in a little while" The Doctor said before leaving

Eddie sat down in the chair beside the bed. He was glad Rachel was sleeping, she was exhausted. He wanted more than anything to brush his hand across her cheek, to wrap her hand in his. But he knew if he did that, she would immediately wake up. She needed the rest.

He leaned back in the chair, watching Rachel's chest rise and fall in a steady rhythm. She looked so peaceful, lying there, almost as if she hadn't a care in the world. If only that were true.

Despite the fact that she was now in hospital getting the treatment she needed, Eddie was still worried. Things were bad, but they could have been so much worse. Rachel wasn't in the clear yet. He just hoped the medicine and fluids would get to work quickly. Even if they didn't fully cure or fix the problem, getting her back to a state where she and the baby were stable was the main thing.

"You're not a very quiet thinker, are you, Lawson?"

Eddie's head shot up. His heart flooded with relief when he saw Rachel, awake, smiling softly at him. He stood up, placing a kiss in her hair.

"Are you ok? How are you feeling?" he gushed

If she was honest, she didn't feel good. Her head felt heavy and her legs felt incredibly weak, as did the rest of her body. She felt like she had been involved in a high speed car crash, everything hurt. She didn't think she had ever felt this level of tired before. The room was still spinning a little and she felt a bit queasy, but nowhere near as bad as before.

"Like I've been hit over the head with a hammer" she mumbled with a small laugh, shifting uncomfortably on the bed

Eddie smiled sympathetically.

"Do you remember what happened?" he asked

"Not much. I-I remember we got home and I was feeling really unwell. I know you carried me to the sofa. Next thing I remember is waking up on the living room floor and... Vomiting and then the paramedics came. Everything's a blur after that. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in a CT scanner being told to lie still" she explained with a heavy sigh

"What did the Doctor's say?" she added

"You've got something called Hyperemesis Gravidarum. It's a severe form of morning sickness. You've got concussion from hitting your head on the living room door. Your iron levels are low, and you're really dehydrated because of the nausea. They're giving you fluids, anti-sickness medication and iron supplements. You fainted because you were so dehydrated, and also because you haven't been able to eat" he told her

Rachel nodded quietly.

"What about the baby?" she asked nervously, placing a hand on her stomach

"The baby is fine" he reassured

"Are you sure?" she checked

Eddie nodded, wrapping her hand in his and squeezing it gently.

"Everything is going to be fine, Rach. The Doctor's are sorting it"

"When am I being discharged?"

Eddie had hoped she wouldn't ask him that question. He didn't want to be the one to have to tell her that she needed to stay in for the next few days. But he was going to have to.

"Eddie?" she prompted

"You're going to have to stay in for a few days, love. You and the baby need to be monitored and you need fluids via an IV" he explained gently

Rachel groaned, throwing her head back against the pillow. She just wanted to be at home where she felt safe. She wanted to be at home, in bed, with Eddie's arms wrapped around her. The hospital was the last place she felt safe.

"Rach, it's going to be fine, I promise. You'll be out of here in no time" he soothed

"You don't know that" she whispered tearfully

"I do, darling. The Doctor's think you'll be ok to go home in the next few days. All the Nurses in here are lovely and I'll come and visit you every night after school. It's going to be ok. I know it's not what you want and it's frightening, but for the sake of the baby's health and yours, you need to stay in" he reasoned

He sighed in relief when she reluctantly nodded. She knew he was right, this was the best thing for her and the baby. She needed to get better.

"Why don't you try and get some sleep, eh? You look worn out" he suggested

She nodded again. She didn't think she could stay awake for much longer.

"Will you stay with me till I fall asleep?" she requested

"Of course, you don't even have to ask" he nodded, kissing her cheek

Rachel smiled softly.

"Your phone is just here next to you, so tomorrow when you wake up, you can call or text me, ok? I'll be here after school and I'll bring you a change of clothes and anything else you need" he told her, pointing to the phone on the table beside her

"Thank you" she mumbled tiredly

"Night-night, darling" he whispered


He placed another kiss in her hair before sitting back down in the chair. 

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