Chapter 21

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Two hours had gone by since Eddie left. Even though her body was exhausted and begging for sleep, Rachel had been wide awake the entire time. The house was empty, but the silence unnerved her. Every creak or grumble of the house made her flinch. The dark shadows of her room had encouraged her to turn on the lamp on her bedside table.

Her mind wandered to Eddie. She wondered if he was asleep, or if he was wide awake like she was. The guilt of sending him away started to creep back in. She knew he was worried about her, but she was worried about him just as much.

Giving up on sleep, she decided to try and sit up, realising she needed the toilet.

Slowly, she pulled herself up into a sitting position, swinging her legs over the side of the bed, wincing at the pain the movements caused.

She attempted to stand up, crying out as more pain shot through her body. She lay back down on the bed carefully, groaning as the pain continued to pulse through every part of her body. She'd forgotten how painful it was just to put one foot in front of the other. If anything, it seemed to be worse than she remembered.

Sighing heavily, she lay there, wondering what to do. She needed the toilet, but she couldn't stand on her own. No one was here to help her. Her mind was screaming at her to call Eddie and stop being so stubborn.

No, she could do this.

She sat up again, the sharp pain in her ribs making her groan. But it wasn't going to stop her.

"Deep breath" she told herself

She inhaled, pushing herself off the bed gently. The pain came rushing back, hitting her hard. She fell back onto the bed, letting out a scream of frustration and pain.

Enough was enough. Accepting defeat, she grabbed her mobile from the bedside table, dialling Eddie's number.

To her surprise, he picked up after the first dial tone. He obviously couldn't sleep either.

"Rachel? Is everything ok?" He asked, his voice filled with concern

"No", was all she could manage as a response. The pain had suddenly become overwhelming again.

Eddie could hear the tearfulness in her voice

"What's happened?" He asked

Rachel exhaled a deep, shaky breath

"Rachel?" Eddie said gently

"I need you. Please can you come back?" She asked shakily

"Of course, I'm on my way, alright? I'll be 10 minutes" he promised, about to end the call

"Eddie?" Rachel spoke softly, a plan forming in her head

"Yes, Rach?" Eddie answered

"No... never mind, it's a stupid idea" Rachel sighed

"Tell me" Eddie insisted

"Can you... stay over for a few nights, please? I can't... I can't be on my own right now" she requested

"Of course Rach, whatever you need. Let me pack a bag and I'll be straight over" Eddie agreed

"Thank you" she whispered

She ended the call, relief washing over her. Eddie was coming back. She wasn't going to be on her own for the next few days at least. She needed him.

Little did she know that Eddie had breathed the biggest sigh of relief when she'd called. He'd been worried sick since he'd arrived back at his flat and had been unable to sleep.

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