Chapter 60

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A few hours later, Rachel's alarm went off. She groaned, yawning as she got out of bed, leaving Eddie to sleep for another hour.

She jumped in the shower.

As the hot water rushed over her head, she decided that today was going to be a new start. Of course she couldn't pretend that the events of yesterday had never happened, she wouldn't forget that day for the rest of her life. But she could start over today by showing up to school and getting things back on track. She had to make things right with the staff and the students.

She thought about Denzil as she got dressed and dried her hair. In a few hours, he'd be waking up, having spent his first night in a prison cell. She couldn't imagine how scared he felt, being locked in a tiny, isolated room, miles away from everyone he knew and loved. Despite all the chaos he had caused, Rachel strongly believed he didn't deserve that. Denzil wasn't a criminal; he was a frightened child, lacking direction. With the right support, he would go far, like most of the kids at Waterloo Road. But now it was too late.

Whilst she couldn't help Denzil, there was still Marley, Earl and Sam, who she could help. That was something.

From what she had learnt about the Kelly family so far, Marley and Sam seemed to be on the right track academically, and as individuals. Earl on the other hand, wasn't far away from going off the rails. Rachel needed to pull him back before he went over the edge. It would be a challenge, but it was one she was ready for. She just had to find out what made him tick, what he was passionate about, and tailor it to his education.

"Morning" Eddie said with a yawn, walking into the kitchen in his pyjamas

Rachel smiled at him, looking at her watch. It was already 6:30AM.

"Coffee?" She offered

"Yes please" he nodded

Rachel switched the kettle on whilst Eddie made some toast for both of them. He knew Rachel wasn't a fan of breakfast, but she needed to eat, so he put a slice of bread in the toaster for her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked

"Good. Yesterday was... difficult, but today's a new day and a chance to put things right" she nodded confidently

She knew Eddie wasn't talking about work. He was referring to what had happened during the night. In all honesty, she didn't want to discuss it, or think about it. She wanted to forget about it.

Eddie went along with what she was telling him, planning to ask the question in a different way.

"And the nightmare?" He asked cautiously

"I didn't have another, if that's what you're asking" she shrugged

"That's good" Eddie nodded, taking the hint that she didn't want to discuss it

"So, what's the plan for the Kelly's?" he asked, changing the subject

"Well, Marley and Sam are ok. We just need to let them know that we're there if they need us. Earl needs a bit more work. I was thinking of having a chat with him one-on-one, to find out what his interests are" she explained

"I can do that if you want me to? Or we can do it together?" He offered

Rachel nodded. It would be good to have Eddie there for a second opinion.

Once the kettle was boiled, Rachel made Eddie his coffee, before making a cup of tea for herself.

She picked up his mug, completely oblivious to the fact she was using her injured wrist. The mug slipped out of her hand as a sharp pain shot up her arm, causing her to groan. The mug landed on the floor, smashing into bits, hot coffee spilling everywhere.

Eddie shot up from his chair as Rachel hissed in pain, clutching her wrist.

"Are you alright?" He asked, ignoring the broken mug lying at his feet

"Yes, sorry" She nodded, looking wearily at the mess on kitchen floor

"It's just a mug, Rach. Don't worry" he reassured, placing a hand on her arm gently

He grabbed the dustpan and brush, picking up the remnants of the broken cup easily before putting them into the bin. Rachel was still clutching her wrist when he was done, pain etched on her face.

"I think you need to get that looked at again. It shouldn't be causing you that much pain. Your hand probably needs stitches as well" he reasoned

She nodded. Eddie was right; it shouldn't be causing her so much pain. It was supposed to be healing now. And yet, it wasn't.

"I might go to the walk in centre after work tonight to get them both checked. Will you come with me, please?" She requested

"Of course. We'll have to go after 4pm, I've got year 11 for a revision class" he nodded

"Oh, of course! Sorry, Eddie, I completely forgot! I'll go on my own" She decided, feeling stupid for forgetting about the revision class

"No, Rach, it's ok. I'll go with you after school, I want to. And besides, if you can't pick up a mug of coffee, you definitely shouldn't be driving!" Eddie insisted

"I can always go in a taxi. I don't want you rushing round because of me" she suggested, feeling a little guilty

Eddie put his arms around her waist to reassure her.

"I won't be, Rach" he promised

Rachel nodded, unconvinced

"Look, if you don't want to wait, I have a free lesson fifth period. I can drop you off at the hospital, come back and do the revision session, and then come and pick you back up. How does that sound?" He suggested

Rachel nodded, feeling a little more reassured.

"Good. Now, rest that wrist as much as possible today. Try typing on the computer one handed, and if you need to write anything, ask Bridget for help, ok?" He said sternly

"Yes, Mr Lawson" she teased, playing with the collar of his shirt

Eddie rolled his eyes, smirking as he made himself another coffee.

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