Chapter 42

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Rachel had only been back in the building of Waterloo Road for an hour and she had been welcomed back with open arms by the staff. Even Grantly was happy to see her! She had been nervous, but having Eddie by her side made her stand a little taller and worry a lot less.

Her past hadn't been mentioned, and there had been no tension or awkward silences when she'd walked into the staffroom. On the contrary, everyone had stood up and clapped when she came in! Within 20 minutes of being amongst the staff, it automatically felt like she'd never left.

No one, not even Steph had commented on the fact that Rachel had walked into the staff room hand in hand with Eddie, which had come as a surprise to both of them. Eddie figured they all thought it was going to happen eventually, or that it should have happened a long time ago.

Rachel was now in her office with Eddie, setting up her laptop.

Eddie was right; it did look different with the new layout, carpet and deep purple paint on the walls. But the change didn't and couldn't erase Rachel's memories of the last time she'd been in there. The memories haunted the office like a bad smell. It probably always would.

Somehow, keeping the door open made her feel more at ease, made being in there a little bit more bearable. And having Eddie there helped too, even though it was only temporary. He'd be going to his own classroom soon.

Eddie knew she was uncomfortable being in the office again. She didn't have to tell him. She'd gone quiet the minute they'd stepped over the threshold. He had suggested she work at the back of the staffroom, or in his classroom when he had a free lesson, but she'd refused, insisting she would be ok. He really hoped so. Her strength and resilience continued to move and inspire him. To come back to the place you were attacked was one thing, to work in that very place again was another. Eddie didn't think he'd have been able to do it if he was in Rachel's shoes.

The bell rang out for the morning assembly. Rachel shot up out of her chair, taking Eddie's hand and dragging him out of the office. He laughed.

"Come on, let's go! I don't want to be late!" She said as they approached the staircase

Eddie followed her down the corridor toward the hall, smiling to himself.

Before the half term break, he'd arranged for the school choir to surprise Rachel for when she came back. Matt had informed him in the staffroom earlier on that they were ready to go.

Rachel stepped into the hall, pausing when she heard the singing. All of the students turned in their chairs to look at her, beaming smiles on their faces.

She couldn't help but smile as the school choir continued singing. Her heart swelled with pride. Eddie had planned this, she knew instantly. Just when she thought she couldn't love him more! She made a mental note to thank him later.

Eddie breathed a silent sigh of relief as he saw her face light up at the sound of the choir. He hadn't been sure if this would be too much for her. But it was perfect.

The singing stopped, being replaced by applause and cheers as Rachel stepped onto the stage. Her eyes welled up with tears as all the students got up on their feet, chanting "There's only one Miss Mason!". Eddie was right, they had all seemed to have missed her.

After much protest from Rachel, the hall fell silent, allowing her the opportunity to speak.

"Thank you very much, all of you! Uhm- thank you very much Mr Lawson, because I'm sure that you are behind all of this fuss!" She said with a laugh

Her eyes found his in the crowd as the students cheered for him. She couldn't help but blush at the way he was gazing at her, with love and pride in his eyes.

"Well, here we are... I know you've all started the new term a lot earlier than me. But it's a new year, and I hope it'll be the best one yet for all of us" she continued once the noise had died down again

She stepped off the stage as the pupils cheered and clapped again. She sat down beside Eddie, giving his hand a gentle squeeze as a silent 'Thank you' as Tom Clarkson took her place on the stage to give the announcements for the new term.

As they sat and listened to Tom talking, Rachel sighed contentedly.

It was good to be back!

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