Chapter 25

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Eddie sat down on the sofa with a defeated sigh. He could hear her sobbing upstairs, it broke his heart, but she didn't want to be comforted. The guilt was eating him alive. How could he stop Rachel from shutting him out? He just wanted to be there for her, but it seemed impossible. Instead of making things better, he felt like he was just making it worse.

As he brushed his hand through his hair, his phone started to ring. Eddie groaned, taking it out of his pocket.

It was Steph.

"Now isn't a good time, Steph" he answered

"Hello to you too, Eddie! I just wanted to see how Rachel was doing" Steph replied, concern laced in her voice

How was he supposed to answer that?

"She's... as you'd expect her to be" he sighed

"Not good?" Steph guessed

"Far from it" Eddie nodded

Steph sighed sadly

"I can't imagine... how are you doing?" She asked

"I'm fine, Steph"

He was lying. The crack in his voice as he said it told her everything.

"You don't sound it" she pointed out

Eddie sighed

"It's Rachel I'm worried about. She discharged herself from hospital after less than 24 hours. She won't talk to me, or the Police. She's depressed, of course I know it's to be expected after the hell she's been through, but I don't know what to do or how to help her, Steph! She keeps shutting me out!" He blurted

"Eddie, she's been through an emotional and physical trauma. She's bound to shut down!" Steph pointed out

"I know that! But I'm worried about her. I don't- I don't know what to do. She says she's ok, but I don't believe that for second"

"Give her time, Eddie. She'll talk when she's ready" Steph advised

"I know" Eddie sighed

"Please don't tell anyone about this Steph. Rachel's going through enough as it is. She doesn't need it being a source of gossip" he added

"You know I won't Eddie. Let me know if you need anything, ok?" Steph promised

"I will, thanks" he nodded

He ended the call, lying back on the sofa, staring at the ceiling pointlessly.

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