Chapter 9

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The internal exam felt like it had gone on for a lifetime, even though it had only taken minutes for the Doctor to get the swabs and assess Rachel's internal injuries.

For the entire duration, Rachel had Eddie's hand in a vice-like grip, her eyes squeezed shut and her head buried in the crook of his arm. Her tears had stained the sleeve of his shirt as she continued to sob and moan in pain. Eddie hated seeing her like this. He wished it was him going through all of this instead of her. He couldn't do anything. That feeling of complete helplessness frustrated him.

"We're finished, Eddie. Thank you for staying with her and keeping her calm" the Nurse announced, smiling at him reassuringly

"Is she ok?" he asked

"She has some tearing as well as internal and external bruising, which suggests there was forced penetration. She'll need stitches. We've taken swabs, which we'll hand over to the Police"

Eddie nodded, processing the information carefully.

"We're going to take Rachel down to the operating theatre now, she needs emergency surgery on her wrist, as well as other treatment and scans" the Nurse explained

Eddie nodded again

"Can I go with her?" he asked

"I'm afraid not, I'm sorry. She will be sedated whilst we do the surgery and x-rays. We will keep you updated. As soon as we've finished and she's awake, you can see her"

Eddie sighed deeply, nodding

"Just... be careful with her. She's been through enough tonight" he pleaded

"I know, we will. We will do everything we can to help her. Take yourself off to the waiting room. If you write your number down here, we'll call you with any updates" the nurse reassured

Eddie took the clipboard from her and scribbled down his number before turning back to Rachel. She looked at him, her eyes clouded with pain and exhaustion. He took her hand gently again.

"It's alright, Rach; they're going to take you to the operating theatre now to fix your wrist. I'll be right here when you wake up" he promised

Rachel nodded

"You promise?" she questioned

"Of course. I'm not going anywhere" he reassured

He held on tightly to her hand as the Nurses lifted up the bed railings and began to wheel the bed down the corridor.

When they approached the double doors, Eddie reluctantly let go of Rachel's hand. She glanced at him, her face filled with nerves.

"I'll see you soon, Rach, alright? I'll be right here waiting for you" he promised

She nodded hesitantly, disappearing though the double doors and out of sight. Eddie sighed, praying that she would be alright and would make it through this.

As he stood in front of the double doors, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out, answering it without even checking the caller ID.

"Hello, is that Mr Lawson?" A man with deep, gruff voice spoke on the other end of the line

"Yes, this is Mr Lawson. Who is this?" Eddie answered

"Mr Lawson, I'm DI Wolfe from Rochdale Police. I understand you are the Deputy Head of Waterloo Road?" the man replied

"Yes, I am. What is this about?" Eddie asked, growing increasingly more confused

"We've been called to Waterloo Road by one of your caretakers. We believe an assault has taken place here" DI Wolfe explained

Eddie frowned

"An assault? Where?"

"In the Head Teacher's office. We have tried to get in touch with your colleague, Rachel Mason, but we haven't managed to do so as of yet" DI Wolfe replied matter of factly

"She's unavailable at the moment. I'm actually at the hospital with her now, following an assault" Eddie explained

"Miss Mason has been assaulted? May I ask, when did this happen Mr Lawson?"

"This evening. I found her unconscious in her home after she didn't turn up to the pub. We'd arranged to have a drink with the staff and she didn't show" Eddie sighed

"I see. Would you be able to meet us here at the school?" DI Wolfe requested

Eddie hesitated for a moment. He didn't want to leave Rachel, but he also knew she could be in the operating theatre for hours. The hospital had his number, they would call him when she was out of surgery.

"Yes, of course. I'll be there as soon as I can" Eddie responded

He ended the call, rushing out of the hospital and into his car.

He thought about the conversation he'd just had with DI Wolfe.

Had Rachel been attacked in her office at school?

Or was this a totally unrelated incident?

Eddie doubted it was just a coincidence. After all, he had found Rachel in the house and immediately jumped to conclusions as to where the assault had taken place.

It made more sense that it had happened at school. Would Stuart know where Rachel lived and had the nerve to show up on her doorstep? Eddie didn't think so.

It would have been easy for Stuart, or anyone for that matter, to hide in the shadows of the school, to wait for everyone to leave before striking.

He took a deep breath, driving away from the hospital towards Waterloo Road, dreading what he was going to find there.

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