Chapter 45

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In the canteen, Rachel was grabbing a sandwich for lunch. She was just on her way out to go to her office, when she heard someone calling after her.

She turned around, finding Jasmine stood in front of her. Rachel smiled.

"I've just had the new boy in my class, Denzil Kelly" Jasmine explained

Rachel nodded, urging the younger woman to continue.

"He really seems to be struggling with his reading and writing" she added

"Ah, I see. That doesn't come as a surprise really. None of those kids have ever really had a chance to settle" Rachel sighed

"I can't believe none of his Teachers ever picked up on it, or even cared!" Jasmine replied, exasperated

"It's great that you've caught the problem early, it means we can do something about it" Rachel pointed out

"Yeah, I've spoken to him about the extra tuition and he seems up for it. So I've organised this,"

She paused, smiling

"Sorry, I just hope you don't think I'm," she started

Rachel shook her head, smiling at Jasmine's evident enthusiasm.

"Jasmine, it's fantastic that you've taken that initiative! Some other staff members could learn from you I think! Well done!" She reassured, walking away

As she headed up the stairs, she spotted Earl Kelly. Now was the perfect time to have a quick chat with him and see if she could get passed all this "Macho Crap".

"Mr Kelly?" She called

Earl looked up, giving her a fake smile before rolling his eyes.

"How is your first day going?" She asked

"Good" he mumbled, moving to dash passed her

Rachel was quick, placing her hand onto the railing, blocking him in.

"I'm glad to hear that" she smiled

Earl glared at her, but she refused to move her hand away.

"Look, it's not easy starting somewhere new; I know how intimidating it can be,"

Earl rolled his eyes again. What did she know about anything?

"But I really think you can find a place here if you give it a chance" she continued

"Yeah" Earl nodded hesitantly

"Yeah?" Rachel repeated, a little taken aback by his optimism, considering how reluctant he'd been earlier in her office

"I've seen people in very similar situations as yours and they've managed to turn things around for themselves and make a go of it. With a bit of effort, I think you can too" Rachel reassured

Earl nodded thoughtfully

"Well, I'm gonna try, so... thanks Miss" he shrugged, faking yet another smile

Rachel smiled. Maybe Earl wouldn't be much trouble after all. Now he'd dropped the 'Tough guy' facade, they were on the right track. All she ever asked of any of the kids was to try.

"Good. Lecture over!" She chuckled

"Have you managed to make any mates yet?" She added

"I've talked to a few people, made sure they know who I am and what I'm about..."

He smirked, reminding himself of how he'd successfully put Paul Langley in his place.

"I'm going for lunch with them now, so..." he added

"Ok, well, the canteen is that way" Rachel nodded, pointing straight ahead

Earl nodded, rushing down the stairs, a huge grin spreading across his face. That was one teacher sweet talked into getting off his back.

Eddie walked up to join Rachel on the stairs, watching Earl walk away. It was the first time he'd seen her since this morning.

"What did the 'Tough guy' have to say?" He asked, wrapping his arm around Rachel's waist, initiating a few wolf whistles from a couple of students nearby

"I think its all bravado" Rachel said, blushing furiously

"Yeah?" Eddie frowned, picking up on her change in tone

She nodded

"I think he'll be fine once he realises that 'Bad boy' act doesn't work here" she shrugged

Eddie nodded, still a little sceptical.

"Come on, we're having a quick lunch in my office. I'm starving and we have ten minutes before the bell rings!" Rachel giggled playfully, walking up the rest of the stairs, dragging Eddie with her

She wouldn't admit it, but even though she had been a little reassured after speaking to Earl, something about him still made her feel uneasy.

It had to be her imagination though, surely?

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