Chapter 103

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Once Rose was settled in the kitchen, Rachel headed over to the hall, standing next to Eddie. She watched as the students filed in, putting their testing permission slips into the box before taking their seats. Rachel was all for this event, but she couldn't lie, when the LEA had sent out letters to parents to ask their permission for their child to be tested for drugs, she felt they'd stepped over the line. It sent out completely the wrong message. But what could she do?

"I don't think this testing is a good idea" she whispered to Eddie

"It's just a trial, Rach. It's not like we're labelling the kids a bunch of dope heads" he reassured

Rachel nodded quietly. She couldn't really believe he agreed with this side of the day.

Once everyone was seated, Rachel walked up to the front to the start speaking.

"Morning everyone. In case you haven't already noticed, today we're beginning our Drugs Awareness Campaign. Detective Inspector Ralph Mellor, Chair of The Board of Governors, is here to take us through the nuts and bolts"

The students stared at her sceptically.

"I want you all to remember, this is a drugs test trial. It is not a witch hunt. All we want is to make sure that everyone in the school, including staff, are drugs aware" she continued

Her words were met with silence, as she'd expected. Rachel turned to Ralph, nodding at him to takeover. She sat down next to Eddie with a sigh.

"Yeah, on that last point... yes, it's a trial. But, I hope anyone testing positive will use a Drugs Education class, because taking Cannabis is a criminal offence. We want to stop young people from turning to a life of crime" Ralph bellowed

Rachel rolled her eyes. She felt Ralph was being a little over dramatic with all of this. Why did the LEA have to send him of all people?

"Now, the only people having fun with drugs- are drug dealers. They will take your money, and sell you what could be your final hit" he continued

He blew a whistle. Rachel frowned, turning her head over to the door. Another Policeman came in, with a Police dog in tow. The students whispered to one another excitedly.

"Aw!" they all squealed

"This is Gonzo" Ralph introduced

"Gonzo is a sniffer dog. His bark is admissible evidence in court" he continued

Rachel scoffed. Why bring a sniffer dog into school if this was a trial? The students could easily do research on the purpose of sniffer dogs, they didn't need a demonstration! And besides, none of them would dare bring drugs into school!

"What the hell?" she whispered

Eddie put his hand on Rachel's leg in an attempt to calm her down. She shook it off angrily.

"Off you go, Gonzo" Ralph instructed

Gonzo wandered around the hall, weaving in and out of the aisles. The students and staff watched. Rachel sighed, placing her head in her hands in despair.

Suddenly, Gonzo stopped. He sat in front of Tom Clarkson, barking madly. Everyone turned around.

"He seems to have found something" Ralph said, walking over to Tom

"Oh, come on!" Rachel scoffed, watching Ralph

"Can you turn out your pockets, please?" Ralph requested, looking Tom up and down

"You what?" Tom frowned

"Can you turn your pockets out? Now" Ralph demanded

Tom sighed, standing up and turning out his pockets. Rachel's jaw dropped when she saw him hand over a small packet of powder. She looked to Eddie, who was just as surprised.

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