Chapter 54

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Most of the staff were in the pub when Eddie and Rachel arrived. Rachel spotted them all, crowded around the bar. She panicked, suddenly moving to go back out of the front door. Eddie however, was stood behind her, preventing her from backing away.

She looked at him painfully.

"Oh, Eddie, I'm not really sure this is a good idea" she sighed

"Look, just put their minds at rest. They've had a tough day" Eddie reasoned

"Me too! That's why I want to go home!" She shot back

Eddie sighed, walking in first and grabbing a retreating Rachel by the hand, pulling her in with him.

Coming to the pub had been a mistake.

Had the majority of the staff not been there waiting for them, it would have been a different story. Rachel had planned to talk to everyone first thing in the morning, with a clear head. But here she was, at the pub, about to face them all. She had just wanted a quiet drink with Eddie.

Tom Clarkson had been shaken by the events of the afternoon. It had brought back some memories from losing Izzy. How many more people were going to get hurt because of this kind of violence?

"I can't believe we've gone from knives to guns. What if Donte had...?" He wondered aloud

Davina rubbed his arm comfortingly. She knew how difficult this was for him.

"I know... At least everyone's ok, and the Police have the gun, so..." Davina reasoned

"And you think there's just one gun? There are loads out there!" Tom argued

"Tom, stop it! You're going to drive yourself mad! Come on, let's get a drink" Davina reassured

Tom nodded, following her over to the bar. A drink was a good idea.

Eddie and Rachel walked over to the bar, joining the rest of the staff who were ordering more drinks. Rachel was growing more anxious by the minute.

"Ah, here she is! Our glorious leader- and her Deputy!" Grantley boomed sarcastically

Steph and Matt shushed him, smiling at Rachel apologetically.

"These drinks are on me" Rachel confirmed, ignoring Grantly's comment

"Oh good! I'll have a double!" Steph said cheekily, loud enough for Rachel to hear

"You know what? You deserve it. You all deserve it. You handled things brilliantly today" Rachel smiled

"Well, I'm glad you think so. We might not be so lucky next time" Tom snapped

Rachel sighed. She was in for a tough time tonight. This was why she'd wanted to go home and wait until the morning when emotions weren't running so high.

Eddie subtly took her hand into his own, reminding her he was with her and that she could do this. She stood up taller.

"Well, Tom, I certainly hope there isn't a 'next time'" she pointed out

Tom scoffed

"I'm sorry, but just 'hoping' isn't really good enough, is it?" Tom questioned

Rachel was taken aback by Tom's tone. Of course she understood this was bringing back traumatic memories for him. He had lost Izzy, his girlfriend, and could have lost Donte today too. But she hadn't expected him to be this angry.

"We've all been talking. We'd like you to put some security measures in place" Tom announced

"Or you could arm us and even up the odds" Grantly chimed in

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