Chapter 82

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A few hours later...

The bell rang out for the end of the day. Philip breathed a sigh of relief.

He packed his things away as quickly as he could before leaving the classroom. All he wanted to do was go home so he could be alone in his room for the rest of the evening.

Today had been a disaster. He couldn't believe he was admitting it, but he'd rather be back at Forest Mount, even though he'd hated it there.


Philip groaned. He recognised Bolton's chavvy voice immediately. Another confrontation was about to happen, and Philip wasn't in the mood.

Still, he turned around, his eyes locking with Bolton's. Paul was beside him, as usual.

"We've been told to apologise for what we did" Bolton huffed

"Yeah, so make sure you let Lawson and Mason know we have" Paul spat

Philip nodded

"Alright? What's going on here?"

Bolton and Paul froze at the sound of Earl's voice. Earl smirked, moving to stand beside Philip.

"Everything ok?" He asked him

Philip nodded quietly

"Back off, man! This has nothing to do with you!" Bolton hissed

Earl rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to Philip

"Are these two bothering you?" He asked

"A bit" Philip shrugged

Earl glared at Paul and Bolton.

"You heard him, lads, you're bothering him. So clear off, before I make you" he threatened

Bolton looked to Paul nervously

"Come on" Paul mumbled

They turned to walk away. That was when Earl took his chance, shoving Bolton hard. Philip sniggered as he fell to the floor, Paul rushing to help him up. Bolton shoved him off, turning around to Earl.

"You're crazy, man!" He snapped

Earl smirked as Paul dragged Bolton away, the two of them disappearing down the corridor.

Earl turned to Philip.

"You alright?" He checked

Philip nodded

"Don't let scum like that get to you. Put them in their place and show them who is boss" Earl told him

Philip nodded again

"You're the new boy, aren't you?" Earl enquired

"Yeah... Philip"

"Is it true you got tied to a toilet?" He asked

"Yes, go ahead and laugh" Philip huffed

"Oh no, I don't think it's funny. It's idiots who do things like that to others that need to be taught a lesson"

Philip nodded, unsure of what to say

"And your Auntie is the Head Teacher?" Earl questioned

Philip nodded again.

"Cool. I'd love my Auntie to be my Head Teacher!" Earl smirked

"You wouldn't if people were taking the mick all the time" Philip sighed

"Nah, you just need mates. I'll be your mate, my names Earl"

Earl offered his hand for Philip to shake. He took it, smiling weakly.

"Look, Philip, I'm having a party tonight at my place. Why don't you come over? It'll be a laugh! Don't worry, Paul and Bolton aren't invited"

Philip nodded

"Yeah, I might do"

Earl took out a piece of paper, scribbling something onto it before passing it to Philip.

"That's my address and phone number"

"Oi, Kelly! Don't you have a home to go to?" Eddie yelled from down the corridor, interrupting the two boys

Philip rolled his eyes.

"See you later, yeah?" Earl grinned

Philip nodded, watching him walk away. He put the piece of paper into his pocket as Eddie approached him.

"I know you want to make friends, Phil, but stay out of his way" Eddie advised

"He's the only one who's been nice to me today" Philip snapped

Eddie sighed

"Look, I know it's hard, but give it time, yeah? You'll make new friends" he reasoned

"But I can't be friends with him?" Philip questioned

Eddie shook his head

"I wouldn't, mate"

"Then what's the point? I try to make friends and then you tell me I can't be friends with them!"

"Philip, that's not what I'm saying!" Eddie huffed

"What's going on?" Rachel cut in, standing beside Eddie

Philip scoffed, walking angrily down the corridor.

Rachel turned to Eddie, demanding an explanation with a simple look.

"Earl was trying to befriend him. I was trying to tell him to steer clear" he explained

Rachel nodded with a sigh. She would have done the same. Philip could do better than Earl Kelly.

They followed Philip out of the building and into Eddie's car, driving home in silence.

When they arrived at the house, Philip stormed upstairs. Rachel sighed.

"This is why he needs his Mum" she huffed, throwing her arms up in defeat

"I don't even think if Melissa was here she'd take action, Rach. We both know that" Eddie pointed out

"I know that. I just... don't know what to do. I feel really out of my depth" she admitted

Eddie sighed, wrapping his arms around her.

"I know me too, Rach. All we can do, is be there for him, yeah?"

Rachel nodded

"I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier" she said, looking up at him tearfully

"It's ok, you were under a lot of stress" he reassured

"I know, but I feel bad, you were only trying to make me feel better. I shouldn't have used you as a punch bag" she sighed

He kissed her lips softly to reassure her that it was ok. She smiled, taking the hint.

Eddie looked at his watch. It was nearly 4PM already. They had to be at the Police Station in half an hour.

"We need to get going in a minute, Rach" he told her

For a moment, she frowned. Then she realised the time. Burying herself in paperwork to distract her had evidently worked well. She suddenly felt nervous all over again.

"We don't have to go if you're not ready, Rach"

"No, we need to. I want to know what's happening. I'm just worried about Philip and... leaving him when he's upset, you know?"

Eddie nodded, even though he knew there was a lot more to it than that.

"He'll be ok. It'll give him some time to calm down" he reassured

Rachel nodded.

They dropped their bags in the hallway and headed back out of the front door.

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