Chapter 32

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The next morning, Rachel woke up on the sofa with a heavy heart and a pounding headache. She groaned as the daylight shone through the window and onto her face.

Her skin was raw from crying and her eyes felt swollen and puffy. More than anything, she wanted to curl up into a ball, bury herself in the blankets and sleep forever to avoid the pain of her broken heart.

Her stomach had other ideas as it began to churn violently. Rachel shot up from the sofa, dashing into the kitchen, only just making it as she vomited into the sink. She groaned, the pounding in her head only increasing.

She'd missed Eddie from the second she'd told him to leave. The house felt empty without him there. She missed him, she needed him. But she couldn't have him. She'd wanted to trust him, she really had. Eddie was the one person she thought would never hurt her or let her down. But he had.

She wiped her mouth with a tissue, managing a small sip of water before going back into the living room, curling up in the blankets.

As she lay there, thinking about him, she started to cry again. Despite what had happened, she really had cared deeply for Eddie. She still did. He was the one person she'd felt safe with, the one person she could be herself around. He had seen the best and worst sides of her and had stood by her regardless. She'd told him things she'd never told anyone, she'd trusted him so much.

She loved Eddie Lawson, there was no denying it. She'd fallen head over heels for him. And she'd let herself. And he'd broken her heart.

A knock on the front door pulled Rachel from her thoughts. She sat up, wiping her eyes quickly as she walked over to the front door, not caring about the fact her hair was a mess, or that she was in her pyjamas.

She groaned when she saw Steph standing on her doorstep.

"Is that how you greet a friend?" Steph asked with a smirk

"Go away, Steph. I'm really not in the mood for company" she huffed

"I just want five minutes, Rachel. Five minutes and then you can throw me out, I promise" Steph pleaded

Rachel rolled her eyes, moving aside so Steph could come in.

The two women went through to the lounge, Rachel sitting back where she was before Steph had arrived. Normally, she would have offered Steph a cup of tea or coffee, but Steph had said five minutes, and it was going to stay that way. Offering Steph a drink would give her the impression she wanted her to stay.

Steph sat on the sofa opposite, studying Rachel carefully. It was obvious she'd been crying. That was confirmation for Steph that she was just as torn up about all of this as Eddie had been last night.

"How are you?" Steph asked, breaking the deafening silence

"Fine" Rachel mumbled, refusing to look at her

"You could be a little more convincing than that, Rachel"

Rachel rolled her eyes

"You only want to know so you have some gossip to take back to the staff room!" she shot back bitterly

"You clearly don't know me that well then, if you think that's why I'm here" Steph sighed

"Oh, I think I know you very well Steph! I've met plenty of people like you before! Eddie might have been naive and trusted you, but I don't!" She snapped, glaring at her

"Rachel, do you know why Eddie called me the night you were attacked?" She questioned

"No, but I guess you're going to tell me anyway" Rachel shrugged

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