Chapter 69

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The tension in Rachel's office was stifling.

Bolton and Earl sat across from Rachel, as far apart from one another as her desk would allow. Eddie was leaning against the door, observing and ready to jump in if the two boys started on each other again.

No one had spoken for at least ten minutes. Bolton was slouched on the chair with his head down, holding an ice pack to his eye. He was embarrassed by his actions, especially after he'd promised himself he would stay out of trouble today. He'd let himself down, and also Miss Mason, again.

At the same time however, Bolton didn't care that he'd punched Earl. The kid had, had it coming. He was asking for it. And anyway, a punch was nothing compared to being kicked in the balls and threatened with a gun. Compared to Earl, Bolton was a saint.

Earl on the other hand, showed no remorse whatsoever as he held a tissue to the cut on his lower lip.

To Rachel, this seemed to be a regular occurrence with Earl. He lashed out and never took responsibility for his behaviour. In his view, he was never in the wrong. Rachel wondered just how much he'd gotten away with at his previous schools before they'd excluded him. How lenient was his Mum in regards to his behaviour?

Rachel was determined to put a stop to all of this. Whilst Earl Kelly was a student at Waterloo Road, he would learn to obey the rules and take responsibility for his actions.

"Are either of you going to tell me what happened?" She asked, breaking the deafening silence

As expected, there was no response.

Rachel sighed, looking to Bolton, who was staring pointlessly at the floor. This was the second time she had, had to drag him to her office in less than 24 hours, because of his behaviour. Something wasn't right; this wasn't like him at all.

"Bolton? Do you have anything to say for yourself?" She asked him

He shook his head

"He's obviously got a problem with me, Miss" Earl shrugged innocently

Eddie scoffed, causing Earl to glare at him

"I seem to remember it being the other way around, Earl, considering you kicked him in the balls yesterday!"

"No, that was an accident, wasn't it, Bolton?" Earl smirked, nudging Bolton with his foot

Bolton nodded silently, flinching away from him.

Rachel was carefully observing the way Bolton was acting. He was shifty and looked incredibly uncomfortable. Not because he was in trouble, it was because of Earl. The way he'd flinched when Earl had nudged him, how he couldn't look him in the eye, his silence. It was all to do with Earl.

Rachel could recognise bullying anywhere, and this was a classic example. She had seen countless children and adults act like this as a result of being bullied. She herself had acted like it. Stuart had made her feel small and powerless, just like Earl was doing to Bolton right now. It was like looking in the mirror.

"So what did happen in the corridor this morning, Earl? Hmm? No one is leaving until someone tells me" Rachel demanded

"He punched me, so I punched him back" Earl shrugged simply

"Bolton is that true?" Rachel asked calmly

Bolton didn't respond

"Bolton, answer Miss Mason!" Eddie ordered

Bolton looked up, his eyes filled with guilt.  Rachel already knew his answer.

"Yes, Miss. I punched him" he admitted

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