Chapter 33

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The school day had passed painfully slow for Eddie. Every minute felt like a lifetime.

All he could think about was Rachel. Her face when he'd told her that Steph knew about the attack, the hurt and betrayal reflected in her eyes. He hadn't thought anything of it, but she had.

Rachel was a private person anyway; her personal life was kept at arm's length from her professional. But whether you were a private person or not, you wouldn't want people talking about you being attacked, or raped. Eddie had betrayed her trust, and there was no coming back from that.

He'd had the worst night's sleep he'd had in weeks. The flat was eerily silent and lonely. He wanted Rachel to be in the next room to him, like she had been for the last 6 weeks.

How could he have messed things up so badly? Things had been going so well between them. He didn't know if Rachel felt the same, but he had fallen for her completely. And within minutes, he'd lost her. He missed her so much. His heart ached with guilt and for what he'd lost, a chance at happiness, for both of them.

In all his life, he'd never felt for someone like he felt for Rachel. No one's smile, laugh or presence in his life had ever made his heart flutter like Rachel's. He'd never let someone in like he had Rachel, or been able to talk for hours on end about anything and everything. He'd never met someone so strong, brave and stubborn. He loved everything about her.

He'd pushed her too far this time, trying to get her to come back to Waterloo Road. She didn't want to; she'd told him that over and over again. But he hadn't listened, he'd let what he wanted for himself and Waterloo Road prevent him from seeing and hearing what she wanted. He always took it too far; he could never just leave things. He always had to have the final say.

Steph had been wrong; no amount of space he gave Rachel would fix this. How could he expect her to trust him again?

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. With a sigh, he took it out; opening the message he'd been sent. To his surprise it was from Rachel.

"I would call but I know you're working. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Can you come over so we can talk?"

The message made Eddie's heart skip a beat. He thought he'd never hear from her again, especially not so soon. And yet, he was staring at a text from her, asking him to come over to talk. She was giving him a second chance, one Eddie thought he didn't deserve.

With shaking fingers, he typed back a response.

"Of course, Rach. I'll be there straight after work"

He sent it, suddenly feeling hopeful. Maybe he hadn't lost her after all. Now was his chance to win her back, to show her how much he cared.

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