Chapter 81

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The bell rang for registration. Bolton and Paul entered Mr Wilding's classroom.

As Mr Wilding called out the various names on the register, he looked around for his newest pupil, Philip Ryan. There was no sign of him. He frowned. He'd been told he was going to be here today.

"Has anyone seen Philip Ryan? He's a new lad" he asked the class

Paul and Bolton sniggered

"I think he's a bit tied up, sir!"

Matt crossed his arms, staring at Bolton

"Bolton, I can see you're dying to tell me what it is you and the rest of the class know that I don't"

Bolton snorted, messing around with the props and costumes.

"He had to answer a call of nature" Bolton smirked

"How is he going to do his flies up?" Paul joined in

Bolton and Paul burst into a fit of laughter.

Mr Wilding sighed, heading to the boy's toilets.

There was one occupied toilet cubicle when he arrived, allowing him to narrow down Philip's whereabouts. He knocked gently on the cubicle door.

"Philip? Are you in there?" He called

No answer

He thought about turning away. But something about what Bolton and Paul had said, about the way they were acting, didn't sit right with him. So he knocked again.

"Philip? It's Mr Wilding. I'm your form tutor. There's no one in here, just me"

"I can't come out" Philip mumbled

"Why not? What's the matter? Are you locked in?" Mr Wilding questioned

He pushed the door open, finding an embarrassed Philip tied to the toilet, dressed in boxing gear.

He sighed, helping to untie him.

"Come on, let's go to class, we'll sort this out"

They walked back toward the classroom, Philip walking behind Mr Wilding. Bolton and Paul's laughter echoed down the corridor. Mr Wilding was furious with both of them for their childish behaviour. He didn't stand for bullying, and knew Miss Mason and Mr Lawson wouldn't either.

The laughter died the second Mr Wilding and Philip walked into the classroom. Paul and Bolton were smirking.

"Paul, Bolton, with me, now!" Mr Wilding ordered

The two boys followed Mr Wilding out of the classroom and up the stairs to the cooler. Neither of them showed any remorse for their actions. After all, it was only a joke, right?

Eddie was sat at the front desk of the cooler when Matt Wilding entered. He sighed painfully at the sight of Bolton. Hadn't he caused enough trouble for Rachel recently?

"Langley there, Smilie over there" Eddie instructed, pointing at two tables on opposite sides of the room

As they slumped into their chairs, Matt put the boxing gear on Eddie's desk. Eddie frowned at him. Matt gave him no explanation as he walked out of the cooler and back over to Philip, who was waiting outside, staring blankly out the window.

"Come on" Mr Wilding said, ushering Philip down the corridor

"Sir? Will Miss Mason find out about this?" Philip asked as they walked along

"I'm sure she will. She's your legal guardian now after all. And as Head Teacher, she's zero tolerant on bullying" 

Philip sighed

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