Chapter 124

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It was all Rachel could hear.

Relentless, heart-wrenching, blood-curdling screaming.

The school corridor was pitch black. She couldn't see a thing as she ran blindly along the corridor, following the noise. Her heart was hammering against her chest as she darted in and out of the classrooms.

"MAXINE?!" she called

The screaming ceased as her voice echoed down the corridor before vanishing into nothing. An unsettling silence replaced it.


A scream floated up the corridor, strong enough to chill Rachel to the bone. She dashed along the maze of shadowy hallways, her heart filling with dread as the screaming continued, each one louder than the last.

As she approached the classroom at the end of the corridor, she paused. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. Maxine was in there, sat at her desk doing her work. She was completely unharmed and safe. She looked up at Rachel, waving and smiling. Rachel smiled back. She could still save Maxine.

This was her chance.

Rachel placed her hand on the door handle. She frowned when the door didn't budge.

"It's too late" a voice whispered from behind her

Rachel spun around. Her blood ran cold when she saw the man standing in front of her.

Stuart Hordley.

She wanted to run. His devilish grin made her feel sick. She was angry and terrified at the same time.

"You can't save her now, Rachel. You failed her" he taunted, walking towards her

His hands gripped her shoulders tightly, his nails digging into her skin. She whimpered as he turned her around to face the classroom door. She watched through the glass as Earl Kelly approached Maxine menacingly, a gun resting in his hand.

It was happening again.

"NO! STOP!" she cried

Maxine had backed herself into the furthest corner of the classroom. She turned her head over to the door. Her eyes locked with Rachel's, pleading with her for help. Rachel thrashed against Stuart, desperate to get to the door handle. But Stuart had an iron-grip on her. She was powerless.

Earl was now stood in front of Maxine. The gun in his hand was pointing directly at the young girl. He grinned as Maxine trembled, his eyes dark and filled with rage.

"Look at the monster you have created, Rachel" Stuart whispered

"HELP ME!" Maxine screamed


It was already too late. Rachel watched in horror as Maxine fell to the floor, her blood seeping out onto the carpet.

It had happened again.

"NO!" she cried

Stuart was laughing. Rachel could feel his hot breath tickling the back of her neck.

"You caused this, Rachel. That girl is dead because of you"


Rachel shot up in bed, her heart thumping against the wall of her chest. She fought hard to control her shallow and erratic breathing.

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