Chapter 171

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Christmas Day 2009...

For the last twenty years, Rachel had spent every Christmas alone, with only the TV and a glass of wine or other strong alcohol for company.

Over the years, she'd watched as the neighbours had put up their Christmas decorations and vibrant lights, whilst her house remained empty and colourless. She'd listened to her students telling her how excited they were for Christmas whilst she smiled along, wondering what it felt like to be that excited about such a holiday.

She'd watched soppy Christmas films on the TV, where couples fell in love quickly and unexpectedly, finding herself longing for the same happy ending and feeling jealous of the fictional characters on the TV.

What was supposed to be the most magical time of the year for everyone else, had always been the day from hell for Rachel. Christmas was a time where everyone got together with their families. Rachel had spent every Christmas of her late teens and adult life alone, sleeping the day away, doing paperwork, marking or staring blankly at the ceiling.

This year was different. So wonderfully different. For the first time in her life, she understood the excitement about Christmas, and she felt it too.

This year, she had decorated her home with a colourful Christmas Tree and other ornaments. She'd watched soppy Christmas films, the jealously she'd had towards the characters on the TV now non-existent, as she was wrapped in the arms of the man she loved.

She'd spent Christmas Eve walking hand in hand with her soul-mate around Manchester Christmas Market, sipping on hot chocolate as they'd wandered round the unique stalls.

Her home, which had been empty and silent every Christmas for the last few years, was now filled with love, laughter and chatter. Not only did she have Eddie, she had Philip, her Nephew, and a baby growing inside her. Did it get anymore perfect than that?

Christmas Day was usually the day from hell for Rachel. This year, it was bliss. She hadn't spent the day in bed, sleeping, and she hadn't spent it lying on the sofa staring blankly at the ceiling. Instead, she'd woken up to a good morning kiss from Eddie at 7:30AM, followed by another thirty minutes snuggled up together in each other's arms.

At 8AM, they had gotten up, showered and dressed before heading downstairs. Eddie made toast for the two of them whilst Rachel sat in the living room, sipping on a cup of tea he had made her. A Christmas film played quietly in the background.

By the time Philip was up, it was nearly 11AM. Rachel put the turkey in the oven and made a start on chopping the vegetables (with Eddie's help). Rachel had never made Christmas dinner before and was a little anxious. There was so much to get right, and you had to time everything so perfectly to ensure it all cooked at the same time. Thankfully, Eddie knew what he was doing and was there to help her out, not that she actually asked him for help, being adamant that she could do it by herself!

Three hours later, they sat down to eat, each taking it in turns to pull a Christmas cracker. The jokes inside were as cheesy as Rachel remembered them being when she was a four year old (the last time she remembered being happy at Christmas), and the paper hats were just as flimsy and brightly coloured too. She hadn't really wanted to get Christmas crackers; they did seem a little pointless (in her opinion). But Eddie saw them as a big part of the Christmas Day ritual, so they had bought a box. She still thought they were a little pointless, but the jokes had caused laughter to erupt around the table. It was worth it for that.

The Christmas dinner was a success. The turkey was cooked perfectly, and she'd managed not to burn or under-cook anything! She couldn't lie; she was a little impressed, as was Eddie. He'd had no doubt in his mind about Rachel's ability to make the dinner, but he had wondered how long it would take for her to go into panic mode and he'd have to intervene. But, to his surprise, he hadn't had to.

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