Chapter 79

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The car ride home was a quiet one. Philip sat silently in the back, whilst Rachel sat in the passenger seat, deep in thought as she held a tissue to her lip. Eddie drove along the empty streets of Rochdale.

Rachel was still seething with anger. Melissa had done nothing but lie. Not just to her, but Philip too. And she'd hurt Philip, her own son. First by abandoning him, and then through physical and emotional abuse. Rachel was furious with her, more than she'd ever been before.

How could she do this? Rachel just couldn't understand why anyone would want to hurt a child. Even if they'd done or said something incredibly hurtful, there were other ways to resolve things than resorting to violence.

Melissa was, in a way, becoming their Father. Rachel had witnessed it herself tonight, when she'd confronted her about the bruise on Philip's cheek. She'd denied it all, making herself look like the victim, just like their Father had.

Rachel had been beaten and bruised by their Father, as had their Mother before she died from cancer. She refused to let Philip go through the same thing. When the dust settled, he wasn't going back to live with her, not if Rachel had any say in it.

They finally reached the house, climbing out of the car quietly. The evening had been a disaster, but Rachel hoped it was only uphill from here for Philip.

"Do you mind if I go to bed?" Philip requested once they were inside the house

"Of course not, love. You know where the spare room is, don't you?" Rachel nodded

He nodded quietly, heading up the stairs.

Rachel looked to Eddie, smiling weakly. He wrapped her tightly in his arms, hearing her sigh as she relaxed into his embrace. She'd needed that hug.

"It'll be ok, Rach" he promised

"Mmm... I hope so" she mumbled

"Philip's a tough lad. He'll get through this" Eddie reassured

"Are you ok with him living with us for a while?" She asked

"Of course I am. He needs you, Rach. And I'll help where I can" he nodded

"We have a lot to discuss with him" she sighed

"I know. We can talk about everything tomorrow, yeah? For now, just go and talk to him. And then I'll deal with the cut on your lip"

She nodded, kissing his lips softy before heading upstairs.

She knocked on the door of the spare room, suddenly feeling nervous. She wasn't sure if Philip was upset with her for the way she'd handled things with Melissa.

"Come in"

Rachel opened the door, stepping into the room quietly.

Philip was sat on the bed quietly, staring at the floor. Rachel sat beside him carefully.

"Are you ok?" She asked

"I think so. I guess I'm just... worried about what happens now, you know? There's no way I'm going back there to live with her" he sighed

"No, I don't want you to go back there either. And you don't have to"

Philip frowned at her

"How would you feel about... living here, with me and Eddie?" She offered


Rachel nodded

"There's an attic room upstairs, it's large and comfortable. You can have that as your room, you can decorate it how you want and Eddie and I will look after you"

"What about school? You can't drive me there and back every day, it's pointless" he questioned

"You're right, it is pointless... how would you feel about moving to Waterloo Road? I know it won't be easy, but I think you'll settle in quickly"

"I'll give it a go" he shrugged

"Good" Rachel smiled

"Thanks, Rachel. For everything"

She smiled at him

"It's going to be alright Philip, I promise" she reassured

Philip nodded

"I'm sorry for what Mum said... about you...being raped" he mumbled

Rachel shook her head, squeezing Philip's hand

"I was in the house when that phone call came through from the nurse. I wanted to answer the phone and call them back, make sure you were ok. But they wanted to talk to Mum, so I didn't. I told Mum the hospital had called on your behalf as soon as she got back from Spain. I didn't know that you were raped, I'm sorry you went through that" he explained

"It was a few months ago Philip, I'm ok. All that matters to me now is that you're safe" she reassured, squeezing his hand gently

Philip nodded quietly

"I hope you're not angry with me for lashing out at your Mum like that?" She questioned

Philip shook his head

"No, definitely not. She had it coming"

"I wouldn't say that,"

"I would! Someone had to put her in her place, stop her from being such a bitch!" Philip snapped angrily

Rachel raised an eyebrow. As angry as she was with Melissa, she didn't approve of such language.

"Sorry" Philip mumbled

"It's alright. Get some sleep, ok?"

Philip nodded

Rachel left the room, heading back down the stairs to join Eddie in the kitchen. As soon as she walked in, he handed her a cup of tea and sat her down at the table. The contents of the first aid kit were laid out on the table.

Eddie sat beside her in one of the chairs. She smiled weakly as she sipped her tea.

"Is Philip ok?" He asked

She nodded

"He's agreed to move to Waterloo Road, and to having the attic room" she told him

"Wow, that's great! You're a miracle worker, Rach!" Eddie exclaimed

Rachel giggled at that

"I'll be a miracle worker if I turn up to work tomorrow without a swollen and bruised lip!" She huffed

Eddie chuckled

"Come on, I'll help you" he offered, grabbing an antiseptic wipe

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