Chapter 86

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The next morning, Eddie woke up to find Rachel's side of the bed empty. The time on the clock read 5:45AM. She was already up.

He clambered out of bed, yawning as he went into the ensuite to brush his teeth.

Meanwhile, Rachel was downstairs, drinking a cup of tea whilst looking at her emails.

She'd checked on Philip the minute she'd woken up. He was fast asleep, snoring loudly. And he'd been sick again. Rachel had taken the bin he'd vomited into and washed it out, leaving it to soak in disinfectant. She was thankful that at least this time, he hadn't been sick on her.

She'd thought about leaving him at home today, letting him have the day off school to recover. But he wasn't exactly ill, was he? He was just hung-over. That wasn't an excuse to have a day off school. It would be a regular occurrence if she wasn't strict with him now. Philip going to school hung over was part of him learning his lesson.

Eddie walked into the kitchen, his face lighting up when he saw that beautiful smile spreading across Rachel's face. He walked over to her, kissing her gently.

"Morning" he whispered, snaking his arms around her waist

She leaned back into him with a contented sigh

"How's Philip?" he asked

"Asleep. He was sick again" she explained, handing him a coffee

"He'll be fine, Rach" Eddie reassured, taking the coffee from her gratefully

"Oh I know he will. He's not having the day off. I'll drag him into school if I have to" she replied defiantly

Eddie raised an eyebrow


"Yes, Eddie! He has to learn he's not going to get away with things like this! Melissa might have let him slip through the net, but I won't!" Rachel nodded

"I'll go and wake him up then" Eddie decided

He headed back upstairs, walking into Philip's room.

"Philip? Time to wake up, mate" he said from the doorway

Philip stirred with a groan, holding a hand to his head. He didn't feel well at all.

"Do I have to?" he mumbled

"Yes, you do. Come on, you've got twenty minutes" Eddie confirmed, walking out of the room again

"He's just getting up" he informed Rachel when he got downstairs

"You don't mess about, do you?" she chuckled

Eddie smiled

"Is he in as bad a shape as I thought?" she asked, sipping her tea

"Worse I think"

Rachel sighed

"I'll make him some toast" she decided, putting two slices of bread into the toaster

Minutes later, Philip stalked into the kitchen, looking deathly pale. He squinted, the bright lights of the kitchen sending pain shooting through his head.

Rachel handed him a plate of toast, some aspirin and a glass of water as he sat down at the table. He could tell by the way she practically threw it at him that she was furious with him. But he didn't care. He'd had fun.

"Eat that, drink your water and then get your school bag" Rachel mumbled, refusing to look at him as she busied herself with shutting down her laptop

"I thought you're not allowed into school if you're sick?" Philip responded cheekily

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