Chapter 104

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Marley and Flick were heading over to the library for their free lesson.

Flick was still furious with her Dad for putting her and Marley on the spot like that. She was ranting to Marley as they walked down the corridor.

"He's always showing me up! He can't keep his Policeman's badge in his pocket! It's like I expect to be arrested for not tidying my room" she rambled

Marley chuckled

"Imagine if he found out I smoked dope?" she panicked

"He'd lock you up and throw away the key!" he teased, laughing

Flick sighed

"He would as well" she huffed

"Don't be daft! His own daughter?" Marley scoffed

"Yeah... like that's ever meant anything" she mumbled

Marley sighed heavily

"Look... I can't lie, I kind of agree with your Dad about drugs" he admitted with a shrug

"You do?" she questioned

"When you live with someone who gets off their face every night, you'll see where I'm coming from" he sighed, walking away

Flick instantly felt guilty, chasing after Marley. She had to tell him the truth.

"Marley!" she called after him

Marley turned around, walking back towards her.

"I... I need to tell you something. But you can't get mad" she told him

"Ok... what?"

"When those test results come back... mine's going to be... positive. Dad's going to know, everyone's going to know" she admitted

"What?!" Marley scoffed

"Yeah, I've had the odd spliff. It's not a big deal; I'm not a junkie or anything!"

"Ok. Well... you might get a slap on the wrist, but you heard what Mason said, it's just a trial" he reassured

"They're going to roast me!" she whined

"They'll probably pack you off to Drug Awareness sessions, alright? It's not that bad!" he promised

"Yeah, but you heard Dad. 'Entering a life of crime' and all that. He's not going to stop there" she sighed

Marley averted his gaze

"Well..." he mumbled

"Well, what? I've made my bed?" she questioned, cutting him off mid-sentence

"No! That's not what I was going to say! It's just... your Dad wanted openness about drugs. He's going to get that. He's going to have to deal with it, isn't he?"

"God, I'm flamin dead!" she groaned

Marley squeezed her hand reassuringly before walking away.


In Chlo and Donte's van, Chlo was finishing off straightening Maxine's hair.

"There you go" she smiled, holding up a mirror so she could see

Maxine smiled at her reflection

"Earl is going to love it!"

Janeece and Chlo groaned, rolling their eyes as they glanced at one another.

Maxine looked between the two of them. It hurt that her two best friends didn't support her relationship with Earl.

"What? He likes me to look nice!" she snapped defensively

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