Chapter 27

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Six weeks later...

Six weeks had gone by, and things were gradually improving for both Rachel and Eddie.

Rachel was recovering well from the attack, physically and emotionally. Her injuries were almost fully healed, and the majority of the bruises had disappeared. Her wrist was still a work in progress, but it was slowly starting to heal. She could stand up by herself, and had managed to get herself outside for a walk each day. Day by day, week by week, she was getting stronger.

With Eddie by her side for support, she had spoken to and given her statement to the Police. She'd told them everything, in as much detail as she could. To her surprise, DI Wolfe and DI Thompson had been supportive, patient, understanding and helpful, even when it had come to telling them about her past. She had been petrified the entire time, but with Eddie by her side, she felt less uneasy and more confident that she was doing the right thing.

Stuart had yet to be tracked down and arrested. Although she had some faith in the Police now, she still couldn't help but have her doubts. Stuart was clever and would evade the police for as long as he could.

Rachel was overwhelmed with gratitude to Eddie. He had stood by her and been there for her the last few weeks. Over the summer, the two of them had grown closer and had been spending a lot of time together. The two of them had spent their days watching TV, talking into the small hours, playing card games and board games and going on short walks. Eddie had been by her side constantly. She didn't know what she would have done without him.

Eddie had only been back to his flat twice, and it was only to pick up some more clothes. The rest of the time he'd been staying at Rachel's in the spare room. To Rachel's surprise, she loved having him there. Sharing her large house with someone made it feel less lonely. They enjoyed each other's company.

Eddie had noticed a gradual shift in Rachel. She had stopped trying to shut him out and was letting him in. He was getting to know her on a deeper level; her walls were gradually coming down. She was more relaxed around him, more talkative.

Last week, he saw her smile and heard her laugh for the first time since the attack. The smile was genuine; it had reached her eyes and lit up her whole face. Her laugh had been more of a giggle and it had been music to his ears. It gave him hope that she would get through this.

It was safe to say that they were just friends who cared deeply for one another, for now anyway. Neither of them could deny that they were attracted to one another, but they were taking it slow. Eddie didn't want to give her any reason to shut him out again.

Rachel wouldn't admit it, but she was falling for Eddie more and more. It scared her, but she couldn't help but give into and embrace the feeling. Eddie gave her butterflies, something she hadn't felt in a long time and thought she would never experience again. There was something about Eddie Lawson that had her crushing on him like a crazy hormonal teenager! Maybe it was his smile, or how bad he was at cooking, no matter how hard he tried! Maybe it was his kindness and gentle, caring nature. Rachel couldn't quite put her finger on it, but there was something.

Despite their feelings growing from strength to strength, and how much they were enjoying each other's company, the start of the new term at Waterloo Road was fast approaching.

The revelation of Rachel's past reached the ears of the LEA immediately on the last day of term, which both Rachel and Eddie had been expecting. However, despite them allowing her to stay, Rachel had made up her mind and decided not to return. She'd claimed her decision was final, but the LEA had appointed Eddie as Acting Head until the Christmas break, to give Rachel the time she needed to recover and really think about what she wanted to do.

It had come as a shock to Eddie when she'd confessed she didn't want to come back. But he had to admit, he'd had a feeling this would happen.

Over the summer, Eddie had noticed that any time Eddie had brought up Waterloo Road, or the new term, Rachel immediately changed the subject. She didn't want to talk about it.

GCSE results day had taken place at the school just a few weeks ago. As Head Teacher and Deputy Head, both Rachel and Eddie had shown up to support the kids. Eddie had tried to persuade Rachel to stay at home, but she had insisted she wanted and was well enough to go. So they went together.

For the whole morning they were there, Rachel was on edge and uncomfortable. The whole time, she looked like she wanted to run and never look back. She was dazed and distant, deep in thought. Eddie could tell how relieved she was when they left to go home.

Eddie had tried time and again to talk her out of leaving, but it was no use. She had made up her mind. If anyone was going to change her mind now, it had to be her.

It was going to be a shock to the system, taking over Rachel's job. But Eddie was doing it in the hopes that eventually Rachel would change her mind and take her job back. Waterloo Road needed her. He wished she could see that.

He understood why Rachel didn't want to come back. Facing the kids after her past had been announced so publicly before the summer wasn't going to be easy. But Eddie knew that wasn't the issue. Rachel would be able to handle that.

The problem for Rachel was the School building itself. The thought of going back to her office, which had once been her safe space, made her feel sick. That office wasn't a room she felt safe in anymore. It haunted her nightmares, just like Stuart Hordley did. He had violated that room, the same way he had violated her. She couldn't face going back.

And besides, who would want an ex-prostitute as their Head Teacher? What parent would want a person like that working with their children?

It was the night before the start of the new term today. Eddie was hanging up his suit and tie in the spare bedroom, ready for the morning. A mixture of nerves and excitement were running through him. He wasn't the deputy head anymore. He was the Head Teacher, temporarily anyway. As fully prepared and ready as he was to take on the challenge, he wished it was Rachel going in as Head Teacher, not him.

He walked out of the spare room, knocking on Rachel's bedroom door. Despite her protests, he'd persuaded her to let him stay tonight, rather than going back to his flat. The thought of leaving her still made him feel uneasy.

He opened the bedroom door quietly, finding her in bed, her hair damp from the shower. She was reading a book.

She looked up at him, smiling.

"All set for tomorrow?" She asked

"Yes" he nodded, sitting on the bed beside her

"Are you sure you'll be ok on your own?" He asked, his voice filled with concern

"I'll be fine, Eddie! You can't stay with me forever, you have a job to go to" she insisted

"So do you, technically" he pointed out

Rachel sighed deeply, averting his gaze

"I told you Eddie, I made up my mind. I'm not going back"

"I know. I just wish there was something I could do to change your mind" he shrugged

"There isn't, I'm sorry. Something drastic would have to happen for me to change my mind" she replied

"Like what?" Eddie questioned hopefully

"I don't know. Nothing realistic enough for it to really happen" she huffed, hinting at him to drop the subject

Eddie gave in. He wasn't going to win on this one, no matter what he tried. He sighed, standing up.

"Alright. I'll call you at break tomorrow and I'll see you after school, ok? Ring me if you need anything"

Rachel nodded

"Night, Eddie"

"Night" he replied, smiling weakly at her

He left, closing her bedroom door, heading back into the spare room. As he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, he started wracking his brains, trying to come up with an idea to get Rachel to come back to Waterloo Road.

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