Chapter 80

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Two weeks later...

It was 6AM. Rachel was rushing around, making toast and coffee whilst trying to finish off some emails.

Eddie was watching her race up and down the kitchen frantically. She'd been like this since he'd got up and come into the kitchen thirty minutes ago. She was making him dizzy. He'd offered to help, but she'd refused, continuing to pace up and down, moving things and mumbling to herself.

He couldn't take it anymore, it was driving him mad!

"Rach, stop!" He ordered, sitting her down at the kitchen table

She eyed him nervously, her body twitching and desperate to move.

Eddie knew she was only like this when she was worried or stressed about something. And it was stressing him out, not knowing what she was stressed about.

She was breathing erratically now, which only made Eddie more concerned. He crouched down beside her calmly, tilting her chin with one hand. She stared at him tearfully.

"Hey, breathe" Eddie instructed

She nodded, breathing deeply in and out until her breathing returned to a normal rhythm again. Eddie sighed in relief.

He took her hands into his own, squeezing them gently.

"Now, tell me what's stressing you out so much" he requested

Rachel sighed shakily

"DI Wolfe left a voicemail on my phone last night. I didn't check my phone until this morning. He wants us... me... to come into the station this afternoon" she explained

Eddie frowned

"What for?" He asked

Rachel shrugged

"He didn't say"

"Ok, well, we'll go together after school and see what he has to say, ok?" Eddie suggested

"What if they're letting Stuart out? What if there isn't enough evidence to charge him?" She panicked, her breathing becoming erratic again

Eddie sighed painfully. They hadn't heard much at all from the Police since Stuart had been arrested. Both he and Rachel had been starting to worry. But now they were calling Rachel in, Eddie wished they wouldn't be so mysterious about it, because he didn't know whether it was good news or bad news. And he couldn't reassure Rachel it would be ok.

"I don't know what they're going to say, Rach. But I do know one thing; they have more than enough to charge him"

Rachel shook her head

"He probably has a lawyer, Eddie. He won't go down without a fight"

"I know he won't, but the Police will fight harder" he reminded her

"I hope so... if he gets out, Eddie... I don't know what I'd do" she whispered tearfully

Eddie wrapped her tightly in his arms.

"Whatever happens, we'll deal with it together, ok?" He reassured, wiping her tears with his thumb

She nodded weakly

"I'm sorry, I'm just so nervous" she sighed

"I know love, I know. But I'm here for you, yeah?"

She nodded

"It's not helping with it being Philip's first day either" she admitted

Eddie nodded. Even though she'd secured a place for Philip at Waterloo Road easily, she'd been stressing about it. She wanted him to be settled as much as possible.

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