Chapter 1 - The Grammy's

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𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟸𝟾𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟺 - 𝟼:𝟹𝟶 𝙿.𝙼
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I am now in my condo in Los Angeles, getting ready to attend tonight's Grammy's.
Paul is going to be my date for tonight.
Of course my best friend Kenzie is here as well, she is coming too, and we decided to get ready together before our dates arrive.

I opted for a champagne coloured gala dress, the moment I layed eyes on it I fell in love with it. But before I put that on, I took a long hot steamy shower, and prepped my skin with some rich moisturiser. I then wrapped a soft and cozy towel around my naked body and walked towards the vanity in my room to blow dry my long blonde coloured hair.
While I started doing my makeup, it was Kenzie's turn to shower.

In the background of my room, there was some music playing from the radio, and I couldn't help but hum to the rhythm and move my foot on the ground. That was one good thing from the eighties, the good music.

After good thirty minutes, I was done with my makeup and I already curled my hair. In the mean time, Kenzie finished taking a shower and she also did her makeup too.

"Shall I help you with your hair, Jade?" she asked in a soft tone,
"No it's okay, Kenz. Thank you. You want me to help you?" I replied facing her. She nodded.

So I stood up and helped her doing her hair. This girl had amazing long black hair, which matched perfectly to her coffee-toned skin.
Compared to me, I dyed my hair blonde - well, just some highlights- to compliment my honey coloured skin.
Once we were both ready, we jumped into our dresses and matched some jewellery.

Once we were both ready, we jumped into our dresses and matched some jewellery

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We then walked towards the mirror and examined our outfit's for tonight. I gently stroke my dress to make sure no frizz was involved in the highly expensive dress, while Kenzie couldn't stop freaking out, clearly excited to attend tonight's event.

In a split moment, I heard the bell ringing. I knew that our dates arrived. I looked over at the clock standing on my bedside table:

𝟽:𝟹𝟶 𝙿.𝙼

I quickly walked over to the main door and swung it open, revealing a good looking Paul in a suit, and next to him Kenzie's Date. I flashed them a friendly smile and embraced them in a hug, before welcoming them inside.

"You look stunning, Jade." Paul said examining my outfit from head to toe, making my cheeks burn.
"Thank you, Paul. We're almost ready, give us a minute." I then replied and walked back to my room.

Me and Kenzie quickly put on our shoes, our coat, and grabbed our stuff, before walking out of my condo. My arm was curled with Paul's, while we made our way to the limousine waiting for us. I greeted one of my securities, Blake, who is going to escort us to the Shirine Auditorium tonight.
We stepped inside, and soon enough the vehicle started moving. Grammy's, here we come.

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