Chapter 22 - Announcement

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𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟷𝟹𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟽 - 𝟼 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Me, Quincy and Bruce finished mixing my Album four days ago, and tonight we invited the CBS-Records executives and representatives to a dinner party here at Hayvenhurst.
We are going to give them a preview of the Bad Album as well as a preview of the Bad Short Film.

My entire family and even Jade and Kenzie are here tonight, celebrating this moment with me.
Finally I have concluded years of hard work, I hope that my fans are going to love this Album just as much as I loved creating it.
I also thank God so dearly, for this...

So we had dinner, and everything went smoothly. We all chatted and had tons of fun, these people seemed to enjoy dinner and our company. During dinner we played them a little bit of the Album and they loved it.
Now since we are finished with dinner, it is time to give them the preview of the short film.

We all sat around the dining table in our backyard, the TV is standing outside and soon enough we started playing the short film.
The looks on their faces were extremely focused and they also looked pleased. I started getting comments from my family, about how good this short film turned out.

"And Jade, you were there on Set too, right?" La Toya asked her, she was sitting next to me smiling gently, and now she was even blushing. Probably because she was thinking the same thing that I was thinking too... it was the day we confessed our feelings to each other and spent an amazing night together for the first time.
"Uhh, y-yes. Correct." she replied nervously, making me bite my bottom lip so that I wouldn't giggle.

I placed my hand on her thigh under the table, giving it a few gentle strokes before squeezing it gently, making her slightly gasp. What a perfect day to wear a dress... god.
She immediately looked around to see if anyone was looking at us, before slapping my hand away. I couldn't hold back my laughter anymore, and so I giggled.

I looked at her and she was eyeing me in a playful way. I then leaned in to her ear to whisper something,

"I know you were thinking the same thing I was..." I whispered, before placing a quick kiss behind her ear, on her sweet spot. I could feel how she clenched her jaw, and shortly after her hand was placed on my bulge giving it a slight squeeze. I held my breath to prevent a moan from slipping out of my mouth. I knew I shouldn't have teased her.

Once the preview of the short film was over, the CBS-Record congratulated me for the amazing work I've delivered, and they said that they can't wait to listen to the entire Album and to see the entire film.
After chatting for a little while more, they said their goodbyes and left.

"Mike? Epic Records announced today that your Album is going to be released on August 31st." Quincy said, and everyone applauded in excitement. "You know that you have to start rehearsing for the Tour soon, right?" he then added, and I could see Jade's look turning into a frown. I haven't told her yet...
"Yes, I know." I replied while releasing a sigh.

When the night was over, me and Jade went upstairs into my room. After taking a shower together and changing into more comfortable clothes, we layed down in bed and started cuddling.

"Why didn't you tell me about the Tour?" she finally asked after a long time of silence between each other,
"I was going to tell you, baby... but I knew that you would get upset about it... and I wanted to prevent it." I replied honestly, while my fingertips kept caressing her arm. She sighed heavily.
"Well, yea, of course I'm upset. But I'm even more upset to find out through a third person... if you know what I mean..." she said and looked up to me, our eyes now locked.
"I'm sorry baby..." I whispered. Now I was the one who is upset. She cupped my face and gently stroke my cheek.
"It's okay... how... how long are you going to stay away?" she asked in a sad tone,
"Fifteen months... the first concert is starting on September 12th in Tokyo, Japan. The last one is going to be on January 1989. But I'll be back in November for the Holidays, and we get to spend Christmas together this year, since I'm no longer a Jehovas Witness." I explained in a calm tone, her eyes now glossy and a sad smile plastered on her face.
"Fifteen months is long..." she whispered, making my heart skip a beat. Please don't tell me what I think you're going to tell me... "but we can work this out, I know that. I promise I'll try my best to come and join you on a few shows when I have some free time from work." she added after a few seconds of silence. A smile instantly found its way on my face.
"R-really? You would do that for me?" I whispered, completely surprised by her words. She giggled and pecked my lips.
"Of course, my love." she replied softly, a solitary tear rolling down her cheek.

*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Of course I was upset, knowing that my man is going to be away for over a year... but like I just told him, I'm not giving up on us.
As soon as I have some free time from my job, I'll go and join him on as many concerts as I can.

It's not going to be easy, but we are going to work this out. We always have worked things out in the past... this is going to be one of them.

"God, you truly don't know how much I love you and how lucky I recall myself to have a woman like you on my side. No one has ever done something like that for me..." he whispered in a shaky voice, his beautiful deep brown doe eyes now glossy, tears threatening to fall out.
"Shh... I know baby, I love you too. I love you, that's why I am willing to do this. I can't bear to lose you..." I cooed him in a soft tone, gently stroking his cheek, and placing tons of kissed along his jaw.
"You are really one of a kind, Jade. Thank you... thank you for everything." he whispered again, before grabbing my hips and rolling my body on top of his, our lips now locked in a sweet-comforting kiss, both moving in perfect sync.

Then our tongues started their usual endless dance, sending shivers down my spine and a comforting feeling in my soul.
I started getting the familiar tingling and pulsating feeling down my area, making me feel aroused, and I could tell that he was too since he has been having a bulge since dinner. I buried my fingers into his messy ebony curls, while he held my hips.

I then started rolling my hips back and forth against his bulge, which soon turned into a complete erection. Faint moans slipping out of both our mouths, not breaking our intense kisses.
He tightened the grip on my hips, and started rolling his hips as well under mine, pushing his erection against my v-area. My moans kept getting louder, the breath stuck in my throat.
I finally broke the kiss, to tilt my head back, my eyes closed enjoying every minute of this strong amount of pleasure. He started kissing my neck, while one of his hands traveled underneath the shirt that I was wearing - his shirt, and I was wearing only that and a pair of lace thong - caressing my back.

"I need you, Jade..." he whispered in a low tone, "let me make love to you." he added.
"Love me, Michael. Do it." I replied in a heavy breath.

After I've said that, he rolled me onto my back. Now he was on top of me.
With a smooth movement, he pulled off the shirt and started kissing my breasts, teasing my nipples, while he kept rubbing his pelvis to my area.
I wrapped my arms around his torso, gently pulling his shirt into my hand and releasing moan after moan.

"Please..." I pleaded, before pulling off his shirt as well.

After we both revealed our nudity, he placed himself in between my legs, and started filling me up with his full erection, making us both moan loudly.

He started rolling his hips slowly, thrusting in and out of me, stroking my walls in gentle and precise movements. I gently squeezed his hair, while my head was tilted back, resting on the soft pillow.
It was like being transported into a whole new galaxy...

"God, Michael.." I moaned,
"I love you, Jade... I love you." he whispered breathlessly while he kept thrusting and making love to me.
"I love you too, Michael.. OHH GOD." I replied in between the moans.

We kept going like this all night, never getting enough of each other.

He made me reach at least five orgasms that night. Something I've never experienced before.
After he filled me up for the hundredth time, we were both exhausted. So we cuddled with each other until we fell asleep. Finding solace in each other's embrace.

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