Chapter 4 - Friendship

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𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 𝟸𝟺𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟺 - 𝟽 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I was now in Jade's Condo, she invited me over to spend some time together.
While I remained in my seat on a high chair by the kitchen counter and watched her prepare some dinner, we chatted and joked around.

"You cook food by yourself?" I asked surprised,
"Uhh, yea?" she replied and giggled, "I don't like having maids around doing the job that I am supposed to do." she added, leaving me completely speechless. She's one of the most famous models and yet she doesn't want other people to do her job around the house...
"Your boyfriend is really a lucky one. I hope he knows who he has in his life and that he appreciates and spoils you the way you deserve it." I confessed, she looked at me with a smile plastered on her face, her cheeks turning in a pinky shade before looking away.
"Yea..." she simply said, "and tell me, what about you and Brooke? You're dating too, right?" she then asked, now I was the one feeling uncomfortable. I was never really good at expressing my feelings when it comes to my sentimental life. Yes, I have been dating Brooke, but we're not really in a official relationship like she is. We just meet sometime and hang around...
"Uhh, yea... kind of." I replied nervously,
"Kind of? What kind of response is that, Jackson?" she teased and chuckled,
"Well, we've been dating for quite some time now, but I don't know if I can recall her my girlfriend , you know?" I said and gulped. In the meantime she divided the food in two dishes, before nodding at me towards the dining table. I stood up and followed her, taking a seat in front of her.

"Well, have you talked to her about you two? Like... if she wants to be in a relationship with you... or- wait, let me ask you again... do you want to be in a relationship with her?" she asked,
"That's the point... I don't know. I know how she feels about me, but I don't know what I feel for her. The only thing I know is that I've been crushed over her for years.." I confessed shyly, and I felt my cheeks burning right after I said that. She clearly noticed and giggled.
"Aw, how cute. Well, then I recommend you giving her a shot... that's the same situation like me and Paul, I've been crushing over him for quite some time too, and now here we are..." she said flashing me a sweet smile, before rolling the spaghetti around her fork and bringing it to her mouth, sucking in the rest of the spaghetti. She definitely has me in trance.... I gulped and looked away, trying to focus on something else. What is wrong with me, c'mon, focus.
"D-does Paul know t-that I'm here tonight? Y-you know... of me and you?" I asked nervously before taking a sip from my water, she quickly swallowed her food and cleaned her mouth with the napkin before replying .
"Yes, he does." she replied honestly,
"And he's okay with that?" I asked surprised, she simply nodded.
"Why wouldn't he be okay with that?" she asked confused,
"I mean... he's not jealous?" I asked again and giggled nervously ,
"No, I don't think so." she replied and took another fork of spaghetti into her mouth. Heck, I would be so jealous if she would be mine.

9 𝙿.𝙼.

After dinner, I helped her washing the dishes, before seating both next to each other on her couch in front of the television. She decided to watch a horror movie, but ended up getting scared every time... I'd laugh at her reaction and let her hide her face in my chest, while I comforted her.

We would also feed each of her popcorn's, and simply goof around like two little kids while watching the film.

At some point, I noticed that she stopped jumping around, and her breathing changed. I carefully leaned in to check on her, and my suspicion was right... she fell asleep.
I couldn't help but smile. Slowly and gently, I removed a hair strand from her beautiful face. The soft and white light from the moon peeking through the big windows of her condo, reflecting right upon her face... I could clearly see every detail of her facial structure, and boy... I couldn't stop starring at her.

After starring for what felt like eternity, she mumbled something and cuddled closer upon my chest, I thought she was waking up, but she didn't. I then turned the TV off, and gently pulled the soft and fluffy blanket over her shoulders, so that she wouldn't get cold.
Refusing to wake her up from her beauty-sleep, I decided to remain seated, with her cuddled in my arms... I starred at her for the entire night, until my eyelids started feeling heavy, slowly drifting into a peaceful slumber.

𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 𝟸𝟻𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟺 - 𝟾 𝙰.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

When my tired and puffy eyelids slowly opened, I had to blink multiple times and rub my eyes with my knuckles, before I could fully connect and look around.
I then noticed that I wasn't lying in my bed like usual... there were popcorn's spread all over the coffee table, even on the carpet on the ground. What a mess.

I then twisted over and noticed that I was still cuddled upon Michael's chest. I gasped and slowly backed away, carefully not to wake him up. That's when I actually realised how sweet he looks like when he's asleep... his tiny black-ebony curls softly falling on his forehead, his plump lips, his perfect jawline...
I slowly stroke his curl away from his forehead and admired this man's beauty, and when he started mumbling and sniffing, I immediately backed away once again, afraid that he would wake up.

After starring for a few more minutes, I silently got up and covered him up with the blanket, while I started cleaning up the mess we left last night.
Once I did that, I quickly walked into my bedroom and picked out a pair of leggings and an oversized shirt, with a sports bra and fresh underwear, before walking into the bathroom and locking the door.

I opened the water in the shower and started to undress.
I brushed my teeth before jumping into the shower and washing my hair and my body.
When I was all dressed up and my body completely moistured, I sprayed some of my favourite cologne and walked out of the bathroom. I noticed Michael was still peacefully asleep on the couch, so I used this chance to do the laundry before doing some coffee and pancakes.

9:𝟹𝟶 𝙰.𝙼.

Once the pancakes and coffee were all ready, I turned around and gasped when I jumped onto Michael. He smiled at me. His cheeks in a pinky shade, probably because of the warmth from the soft and fluffy blanket he was wrapped up until a couple of minutes ago...
His black ebony curls are now all messy...
Gosh, he looks so perfect. DAMN JADE, you have a boyfriend! Focus!

I gulped once again and shook my head, to get rid of my thoughts.

"G-good morning, sleepy head. Breakfast is ready..." I said, which came out like a whisper.
"Good morning." he whispered in a raspy and deep tone, which sent shivers down my spine. I tried to ignore it and grabbed the two dishes, while he grabbed the two coffee mugs and followed me back to the couch.
"I-I'm sorry for falling asleep like that last night... I hope you didn't feel forced to stay because of my sleepy ass." I joked making us both laugh.
"Not at all, don't worry. It was late anyway and I was also tired, I didn't want to wake you up so instead I just stayed there... even though it wasn't the most comfortable position." he replied making me giggle again.
"Sorry..." I said again after taking a sip from my coffee.
"Stop saying that you're sorry." he said chuckling.
"Sorry-..." I accidentally said again making us both laugh.

We ended up eating our breakfast, joking around, chatting. He then freshened up in the bathroom, and after a couple of hours he said his goodbyes and left.

I cleaned the entire house, until I heard my phone ringing.

"You're talking with Jade López." I said while picking up,
"Hey baby." Paul said,
"Hi Paul." I replied, while holding the groom in my free hand,
"Are you up to something today?" he softly asked,
"No, not really, why?" I replied,
"I was wondering if we could spend some time together tonight." he said,
"Sure, why not, you can come over whenever you want." I replied.

After he informed me that he'll be here in an hour, we said our goodbyes and hung up.

While I kept cleaning my condo, my thoughts wouldn't stop drifting to Michael...
God, I'm really messed up.

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