Chapter 67 - Two

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𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟾𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟽 - 𝟽:𝟹𝟶 𝙰.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I suddenly woke up by a very weird feeling in my stomach... a nauseous feeling.
My arm instantly stretched out to the empty bedside next to me, where Michael usually lies in. Yet this time my hand only touched the cold bedsheets.
Michael was still on Tour... I sighed and slightly opened my eyes, before turning around to switch on the tiny lamp on my bed side table.

My eyes immediately roomed over to Prince's crib. He was still peacefully sleeping.
I then looked over to the clock... 7:30 A.M.
Damn... I just can't sleep without Michael and this nauseous feeling that has been tormenting me for days isn't making it any better.

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face... that's when my nausea got stronger, to the point where I started gagging.
Next thing I knew was that I was now bending over the toilet seat, throwing up whatever was in my stomach, instantly feeling relieved.
I sighed and flushed the toilet, before going back to the sink and rinsing my mouth.

I placed my hand onto my forehead to check my temperature, but I wasn't feverish. That's when something clicked in my mind... I rushed to look over my agenda.

Today is August 8th... my last period was on July 4th... me and Michael had sex on the night over July 17-18th...
My period is late!

I went back to the bathroom and grabbed a pregnancy test box, and started peeing on it, before placing it next to the sink.
This were the longest three minutes I ever had to wait, and I hate it!

So I started walking back and forth in the bathroom, one hand placed on my hip and the other on my forehead. Prince is just almost six months old, and here I am... probably pregnant with baby number two!
Michael clearly wasn't kidding when he said 'practicing for baby number two'.
I giggled like an idiot while thinking back when he said that...

Once the three minutes were over I walked back to the sink and looked down at the test:


Of course... a smile instantly made its way on my lips.
I carefully grabbed the test and walked back into the bathroom, not taking my eyes off of it.
Then Prince started crying, and I had to pick him up.
I started lulling him softly, while making my way back into the bed with him in my arms.

"You're going to have a baby brother or a baby sister... isn't that amazing, baby?" I softly whispered with a big smile on my face, "well... you already have a big sister, but unfortunately you're never going to meet her. Yet, you should know... that she's watching over us and I'm sure that she loves you dearly." I whispered again, this time with tears in my eyes. He bubbled something in baby language, making me giggle.

I held him close to me and placed a soft kiss onto his head, before lulling him back to sleep.
The pregnancy test laying on my bed side table...
How about I tell Michael on his Birthday? I could surprise him...
But first, I have to go to the Doctor to make sure it's not a false positive.

The next morning I immediately called Dr. Kim and explained him everything... he said I could go over for an examination in the afternoon.
And that's what I did, I dropped Prince in Hayvenhurst so that his grandmother can spend some quality time with him, while I went to the Doctor's office.

Once I arrived, I waited nervously and impatiently in his office, and the moment he stepped inside he flashed me a wide smile.

"Mrs. López... long time no see." he joked, making me blush hardly.
"Yea... ironic, right?" I joked back, making him giggle.
"Alright ... how can I help you? You said over the phone that you made a test and it came back positive?" he said,
"Correct. My last period was on July 4th and I have been regurgitating for days now..." I explained, while he wrote down some notes.
"Okay... you know what to do." he replied and pointed at the stretcher. I nodded and immediately walked behind the curtains to undress my lower body ...

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