Chapter 43 - Chandler

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𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟸𝟶𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟹 - 𝟷 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Ever since May of last year - 1992 - I befriended a kid named Jordan.
He has a little sister named Lilly. Me and his mother June came really close in time, to the point where we started staying around each other.
We would go on trips together or I would go over to their house to help Jordy with his homework.

Today, I invited them over to Neverland.
They're really kind and sweet people.

Things between me and Jade started getting distant again, after that night in the guest room. Like she promised, that was the last time. And I have to try and keep my mind busy, because if I keep thinking about her I will never move on.
That's why I am now trying to establish a sort of relationship with June. She's an amazing, kind, sweet and beautiful woman. And also a great mother to their two children, whom I adore dearly.

Even though me and Jade are a little more distant now, we keep talking over the phone here and then sometimes.
We just simply don't meet that often anymore.
We are still friends. And I'm eternally grateful for that...

Right now I'm completely focused on this sweet little family, that somehow helped me to escape from my sadness, my anguish, and my fears. They made my days a little brighter... that's exactly what I needed and why I adore them so much.

I don't know if I can recall me and June a couple, I don't know if we are really dating but there is something going on between the two of us, yes.

After a long time... I can say that I'm happy again.

We spent the entire day going on rides, walking around the Ranch, playing with the animals in the Zoo, we even watched a film or two in the Theatre... I tried to give them the best that they could get. The full package. And they enjoyed it.

"Thank you so much for such an amazing day, we really had fun." June said in her soft voice, smiling at me. I grabbed both her hands gently stroking her knuckles with my thumb, as I smiled back.
"We can repeat that whenever you want. Maybe you can stay over night sometimes..." I replied, making her giggle.
"We'll see, but we'd love to repeat that." she replied.
"Okay..." I replied and gigged too. She then leaned in to place a soft kiss onto my cheek. We starred into each other's eyes for a while, before I cupped her face and gently pecked her lips.
"Alright kids, let's go!" she screamed out to her kids after a few seconds, who were running around the Ranch trying to catch each other.

When they approached us, I bent down to hug them tight, and finally said our goodbyes.

"See you soon... be brave." I whispered softly.

Then they waved goodbye as they walked towards the car. I made sure that some of my men's would escort them back home.

After such a long time, my heart is now finally filled up with joy again.

*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I was now sitting on the kitchen counter in my new condo, holding the phone with my shoulder while I am eating some snacks.

"So, would you mind what is going on between you and your ex lover boy?" Kenzie asked at some point,
"My who?" I asked and laughed out loud,
"Michael." she said,
"Oh..." I replied and released a heavy sigh, "nothing, we just befriend each other again, just like the good old times. I mean... we're trying." I added.
"Mhm, sure. Go tell this somebody else, girl, cause I don't believe a word you just said." she said, making me blush.
"It's the truth, Kenz." I lied, trying to sound as convincing as possible.
"Jade, quit it, I'm not in the mood for playing games..." she whined making me giggle,
"Kenz, for the last time. Nothing is going on. Yes we had sex maybe like two times, but after the second time I told him clearly that it would've been the last time and ever since we are more distant to each other. He's even dating June Chandler, I mean, come on." I scoffed, and sipped on my red wine.
"Wait wait wait, hold up... WHAT? Recap! So you guys fucked twice, and after that you pushed him away and now he's dating some other woman?" she asked almost yelling, in disbelief.
"Correct. That's all you wanted to know, no?" I asked and jumped down from the counter.
"Jade are you fucking insane?" she scolded, making me laugh.
"No, I don't know who insane ..." I joked, I could hear her sigh from the other side of the phone. "Sorry... no I'm not insane and this is the best for both of us, Kenz. Really. I'm good. I'm doing amazing. He's happy, I'm happy. Everyone's happy." I said and finished my glass of wine in one breath.
"Yea and you're sipping on wine which means that you're suffering inside...." she said.

She knows me way too well...

"Is there something going on between you and Brad?" she asked at some point,
"Gosh, Kenz, you sound worse than my mother!" I scolded, rolling my eyes. "No, there is nothing going on. Just good friends." I added.
"Friends who like to fuck every now and then?" she joked,
"No. It only happened once and we were both drunk as fuck." I replied dryly, making her gasp.
"HOLY MOLY, JADE LÓPEZ! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" she yelled, making me laugh.
"What I just said. Now are you done with your interview?" I said and sighed heavily,
"No-no-no no, now I want the whole story..." she said,
"Bye Kenz." I said and hung up.

That girl is really something else...
I laughed and shook my head, while walking over to the sink to wash my dirty glass of wine.
Then at some point I hear the door bell ringing.

I looked over to the clock... 6 P.M.
I went over and unlocked the door, only to see a dead drunk William who could barely stand still.

"Oh god, Will... what happened?" I asked and tried to help him walk inside, putting him down on my couch.
"i-I m-might have had a liiiiittle too many shwots..." he said in a mellow voice, typical when you're drunk.
"Yea I see that! But why?" I scolded, bringing him a glass of water.
"W-why?" he asked looking at me with semi-closed eyes,
"Yes. Why? And drink this." I replied. He took a sip of water before looking back at me.
"Because you haven't noticed that I fell for you... you're still after that ex boyfriend of yours and didn't see that I love you too!" he whined, making my eyes grow wide in surprise.
"What are you talking about?" I asked in disbelief,
"Ever since that night where we both got drunk and had sex... I fell for you... that's why I tried to come closer to you each time but you pushed me away..." he mumbled,
"W-Will... I-I don't know what to say, I'm sorry..." I whispered...
"Mmmm it's 'kay..." he said and grabbed my hips pulling me closer to him, to the point where I startled his lap.
"Love me, Jade... don't love that weird ass guy... I'm better than him." he whispered, making me chuckle. Yea right, keep dreaming Will! No one is better than Michael.
"I'm sorry Will... I-I don't feel the same... but how about we talk about this when you're sober?" I whispered and gently stroke his cheek,
"Y-you don't love me?" he said while a solitary tear rolled down his cheek. I gulped as I started feeling guilt washing over me.

Then suddenly, he pulled me closer and locked his lips onto mine.
His hands moved my hips, making them roll back and forth on his bulge... now how the heck is that possible? If he's so dead drunk, how the hell is it possible that he's having an erection?

"I need you, Jade..." he whined before locking our lips again.

I sighed and kissed him back, while opening his blouse and caressing his now exposed chest.

He is nothing like Michael... Michael has his own charm, he is sexy in a way that no other man can compete... Will might have a sexy body with muscles and all that, but Michael... he's different.
Yes, I still love him, and nothing can change that.

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