Chapter 30 - The Neverland Ranch

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𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝟷𝟺𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟾 - 𝟷𝟸 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Ever since we made up from our little fight, everything was going smoothly. We cleared things out and we love each other more than before, if that is even possible.

His last Show was on May 6th, and two days later he came back home for a rest.
He also purchased the Ranch just like we have discussed before, and today... today we are moving in. Yes, we. He decided to name the Ranch 'Neverland Valley Ranch' because of his love and admiration for Peter Pan, he even says that he is Peter Pan in his heart, and I couldn't agree more on that.

These past couple of days has been pretty tough: between my job, packing my stuff in my condo, preparing the Ranch and everything... I feel so exhausted. But finally today is the day.

We are now sitting in the car with Bill, making our way to 5225, Figueroa Mountain Rd., Los Olivos, our new home.
It's a two hours ride from Los Angeles. I have been there once to see how it looked like, and I have to be honest: he has good taste. Now I understand why he fell in love with that Ranch... it's far away from the Los Angeles chaos. It's in the midsts of nature. It's pure peace.
And after getting it ready the way he has imagined... I can only think of a better version.

For the entire ride, my head rested on his shoulder and I even fell asleep.
Suddenly I felt something stroking my cheek, before I heard his soft voice whispering in my ear.

"Wake up, baby... we're here." he whispered, I mumbled something and shortly after my eyes flickered open, trying to adjust them to the light.

As I started seeing clear, his beautiful dark brown eyes met mine as he flashed me a big smile. I stretched out a little bit before stepping out of the car and looking around.
He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers, as Bill walked us towards two big golden gates with 'Neverland' written on it. Oh my gosh...

When we walked closer, the gates opened, and it was like stepping into a book of fairytale.
Compared to the first time I've visited this place, this was... was... MUCH BETTER. It's perfect.
So perfect that I was left speechless.
He noticed and started laughing at me.

"So.. what do you think?" he said as we stopped to admire the view,
"W-what I think? Damn, Michael, this is beyond beautiful." I said almost whispering, my jaw almost dropping onto the floor.

There were two big stairs on the sides, one on the left and one on the right, surrounded by beautiful green bushes. In between them, it was full of colourful flowers that represent a gigantic clock.
Behind the house you could see the train station.
You have to see it personally to truly understand what I'm talking about... this place is magical...

"Wait until you see the inside, then!" he said and giggled, gently squeezing my hand

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"Wait until you see the inside, then!" he said and giggled, gently squeezing my hand.
"T-there is more?" I asked surprised, looking at him with wide eyes.
"Oh yea... the Ranch is big. There is much more to discover. What do you want to see first?" he asked excitedly, I gulped and blinked multiple times.
"S-since we're outside, then... show me around." I replied.
"Whatever you please, m'lady." he said and bowed for me, before both walking up the stairs and heading over to the train station.

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