Chapter 29 - I love you more

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𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 𝟹𝚛𝚍, 𝟷9𝟾𝟾 - 𝟷𝟶:𝟹𝟶 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I was now sitting in the car with one of my securities, he was now escorting to me to the Hotel where Jade escaped to.

I'm not sure how I'm going to start this conversation when I see her... I don't even know if she's going to let me see her...
I just felt bad. Really bad. This was all an incident and it wasn't planned at all.

"Sir? We're here." my security, Wayne, said. I sighed and stepped out of the car. He did the same and escorted me inside.

I walked towards the Hotel Reception and asked for Jade López. They told me the room and I immediately made my way to the elevators, going all the way up to where her room should be.

As I stepped out of the elevator and walked towards her room, my hands started shaking, a lump has formed in my throat.
I stopped in front of the door and looked at Wayne.

"Stay here... and whatever happens, do not intervene." I said, he nodded and positioned himself next to the door, looking at the wall in front of him.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A few seconds went by... nothing.
I knocked again, louder this time... and finally the door unlocked and swung open. She peeked her head to see who was outside, and when she noticed it's me she immediately tried to close the door again. But I was faster and put my feet in between, to lock the door.

"Please... let me explain..." I whispered,
"I don't-.. I can't do this right now." she said in a shaky voice,
"Jade... please. Just lemme talk." I pleaded, while a solitary tear rolled down my cheek. She sighed and hesitated for a moment, before opening the door completely and walking away.

I looked up to the ceiling and thanked God, before stepping inside and locking the door behind me.
She was wearing only a pair of panties and an oversized shirt. Her hair soaking wet, she has probably taken a shower, and she clearly didn't bother to take her makeup off since her mascara and eyeliner were smudged under her eyes. Probably because she has cried, and also because of the shower.

I felt my heart breaking in thousand pieces... it hurt me to see her like this. Because of me.

I gulped and slowly approached her, she was now sitting on the bed, her knees tight to her chest, holding them with her arms, her chin resting on top of her knees.
I sat down next to her, studying everything about her like it would be the last time...

"Can I explain?..." I whispered, she simply shrugged her shoulders. I sighed. "T-the kiss... wasn't planned... at all. She was supposed to perform the song with me by simply walking on stage, so that I could chase her like in the video... I didn't know that she would've kissed me on the lips. You have to believe me..." I explained in a calm tone. She scoffed and released a sarcastic giggle.
"Yea, sure. Alright, Jackson." she said, not taking me seriously.
"It's the truth... the real truth. Why would I wanna kiss someone when I have you ?" I said, on the edge of having an emotional breakdown.
"Then why the hell did you kissed her back? Why did you hug her and pushed her closer to you? Why did you smile like an idiot? Do you know how humiliated I felt? Your entire family was there! Quincy was there! And tons of other celebrities!" she yelled while getting up, now standing in front of me as tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably. I gulped.
"I-I k-know and I'm sorry... I really am..." I whispered in a cracked tone,
"Sorry MY ASS, Jackson! I would have never done anything like that to you!" she yelled, pointing her finger at me and slightly pushing me back by my shoulder. "It was too good to be true! I hate you!" she yelled and pushed me again. She was now literally sobbing. I immediately stopped her by grabbing her wrist, carefully not to hurt her, and pushed her next to me making her lay down. I blocked her legs with mine. "LET ME GO!" she yelled, trying to free herself from my grip, but I wouldn't allow it.
"Are you done?" I asked in a calm tone, looking deep into her eyes. I could see the hurt in them... in her soul. She remained silent and after a few seconds she lost it... she sobbed so hard that she even had troubles breathing.

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