Chapter 26 - It's all about love

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𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟽 - 𝟺 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Michael has been back since the End of November, and ever since we didn't spend one day without each other.
We just couldn't... we missed each other too much.
And today, today we are celebrating our first ever Christmas.
My parents are coming over from Pomona, they are going to stay here in my Condo with us since I have a guest room free to use. That way, I can introduce him to them.

Right now, we are decorating the entire condo with Christmas decorations.
The tree is already done, some Christmas music playing in the background, we would even sip hot chocolate in between.

"Can you picture us decorating the Ranch for Christmas? Our home?" he whispered softly while hugging me from behind, making me smile widely.
"Yes, I can. I really can't wait, Michael." I replied and turned around to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled back.
"I don't see a future without you in it, you know that, right?" he said, leaning his forehead against mine.
"I know, baby." I whispered and pecked his lips. His hands resting on my lower back.

Suddenly he pushed me closer, and I could feel his bulge pressing against my hip bone.
I giggled.

"What?" he asked,
"We can't do that now... my parents are going to be here any minute." I replied, he playfully pouted his lower lip.
"I'll be quick, I promise..." he said making me laugh even louder.
"You're crazy. I won't do that, Michael, what if they arrive in five minutes?" I replied,
"I only need two minutes!" he pleaded, like a little child.
"Two minutes? Never. I don't believe you." I teased.

He smirked at me and grabbed my hand, pulling me over to the couch. He pulled my pants and panties down, before removing them completely. Then he made me kneel down on the couch seats, my back arched and my elbows resting on the back of the sofa, my legs open and my ass completely exposed.
He was standing behind me, and his hands started stroking my butt cheeks before slapping one of them making me moan.

"You're so beautiful, do you know that?" he whispered in a deep tone, before I felt his warm tongue gently stroking my v-area from behind, going all the way up to my second hole.
"OH GOOD LORD!" I moaned loudly.

He slapped my butt cheek one more time, before unzipping his pants and pulling out his now fully erected member.
His hands slowly opened my butt cheeks exposing my complete nudity.
With a sudden movement, he filled me all the way up, while holding my hips.

"Oh, god, MICHAEL!" I moaned,
"Jade.." he moaned into my ear, as he started rolling his hips, thrusting in and out of me, stroking my walls only the way he can.

He hit my g-spot with each thrust, speeding the rhythm in time. I could hear the noise of my wetness each time he thrusted inside of me. My butt cheeks splashing against his lower stomach.
While he kept giving me deep and fast thrusts his lips started leaving kisses down my spine.

"M-MICHAEL..." I moaned, feeling how my walls started tightening around his penis.
"Cum for me, baby..." he whispered in between the moans.

Soon, his thumb started rubbing my pearl, and within a couple of seconds my legs started shaking.
The oxygen stuck in my throat as I screamed his name on top of my lungs, my juices exploding all over him.
He also released a loud moan as his member started jerking, releasing a full load of sperm deep inside of me.

"Oh god..." he moaned breathlessly, standing still behind me, not pulling out yet.

Once we both calmed down, he slowly pulled out.

"Wait, stay like that..." he whispered shyly, I furrowed my brows and twisted my head to look at him. He now had a napkin in his hand and started cleaning me as well the carpet. "I'm sorry... I did a mess." he whispered while his face turned into a bright red colour because of the embarrassment. I giggled.
"You weren't lying when you said two minutes..." I teased,
"I never lie, baby girl." he replied and winked at me.

Right when we were about to put our clothes back on, the door bell started ringing.

"What a perfect timing." he teased, grinning playfully showing off his front row of perfectly white teeth.
"Oh god... how do I look?" I asked nervously while I tried to adjust my messy sweaty hair. He chuckled.
"Like you just had the best sex of your life." he teased again, I immediately slapped his arm making him laugh even more.

I quick ran towards the mirror hanging in the corridor and adjusted my makeup, before unlocking the door and welcoming my parents inside.
We hugged and greeted each other.
When they stepped inside, I locked the door again and walked them over to Michael.

"Mom, dad... this is Michael. Michael, these are my parents, Loreen and Peter." I gently said, introducing them to each other.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. López." he said smiling at them, while shaking hands.
"The pleasure is all our's, Mr. Jackson." my father said smiling back at him,
"Oh, please call me Michael." he said and giggled.
"Alright, then you please call us Loreen and Peter." my mother said, and they all started chuckling.

Michael then helped them bringing their luggage into the guest room, while I went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for the four of us.

*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

While Jade and her mother - Loreen - stayed in the kitchen preparing dinner, I sat on the couch chatting with her father, Peter.

They were really kind and funny people, I immediately felt comfortable around them. My soon to be parents-in-law. I smiled at my thought.

"So how is it being the King Of Pop? Does it get really stressful sometimes?" he asked curiously,
"Oh, yea, it has always been pretty tough. But I love my job, I love my fans... they're the reason why I do all of this. I mean, I have been writing music and performing since a tender age of five, so I got pretty used by it. But it never gets less stressful... I can't go anywhere without a mob of fans or from paparazzi's and tabloids... but that's just part of the work, I'd say." I replied gently,
"That must've been hard for you... not having a childhood at all." he said shocked, I giggled.
"Yes, definitely..." I replied almost whispering, while my thoughts started drifting to my past life. The most sad part of my life. "... but then I look where I am now, and I couldn't be any more grateful." I said after a while, trying not to show too many emotions.
"You're a really great entertainer, Michael. I really admire you and your work. And it seems like you're just as great as a person too. I mean, I can see how happy my daughter is around you... and that's the only thing that truly matters to me, as a parent." he said, looking over to his daughter laughing with her mother by the kitchen stove. She does look happy... she has that glow in her face, it's radiant, she's shining in all her glory. I couldn't help but smile at her father's comment. "Please take good care of her..." he added after a while, I looked back to him smiling widely.
"I will, Mr. Lóp- I mean, Peter. Don't worry. She's my number one priority. She will always be safe with me." I replied honestly.

His eyes were now glossy, but he didn't stop smiling. He quickly wiped the inner corner of his eye with his index finger, before nodding at me.

After a while, dinner was ready, and we were all sitting around the dining table enjoying this delicious food.
We chatted, getting to know each other better, we even joked around. Like a real family.
Now I understand what Jade meant when she talked about Christmas... 'it's all about love'.

Once dinner was over, we also had a dessert and stayed up until late to chat.
At some point, her parents were tired so they said their good night's and went into the guest room to sleep.

I helped Jade to wash the dishes, before we walked into her bedroom and changed into more comfortable clothes, tucking ourselves under the bedsheets afterwards, cuddling with each other.

"What did you and my father talk about, earlier?" she whispered curiously, as I gently stroke her hair.
"About random things... he asked me about me and my life and stuff like that." I replied honestly and smiled slightly, "I really like your parents, they are amazing." I then added. She tilted her head to look up at me, her beautiful brown orbs meeting mine. She flashed me a sweet smile.
"You do?" she whispered, I smiled back at her and nodded.
"I love you, Jade..." I whispered after a few seconds of silence,
"I love more, Michael." she whispered back, before leaning in to peck my lips.
"Stop stealing my line." I teased making us both giggle.

At some point, we both fell asleep, crawled by each other's embrace.

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