Chapter 42 - Take it or leave it

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𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟷𝟶𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟹 - 𝟷𝟶 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I locked myself in one of the guest rooms and decided to go take a long and warm bath, trying to calm my nerves.
I haven't spend the night in this House in three years, and knowing that he's just a couple of walls away from me isn't making it any better...
For this entire time, I kept thinking whether I should unlock the door or not. I don't know why, but I have this strong feeling that if I unlock it, he's going to come inside...
And a part of me wants that to happen.

It's crazy, I can't explain it, but my body is longing for him...
After so many years and after what he's done to me, I still feel safe in that embrace. And knowing that I am not going to be able to sleep tonight, I might have to consider the idea of sleeping in his arms.

Damn me...

After laying in the bathtub long enough, I finally stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body, before walking over to the door of the guest room.
I starred at the knob for a few minutes, before I unlocked it.

I then walked over the big window, and glanced at the view of Neverland at night. It's so beautiful... to think that this used to be my house once upon a time...
I slightly smiled, while positive memories started running through my mind...

All of a sudden, I felt two big hands on my hips from behind. I knew he'd come.
He slowly pushed my hair to the side, leaning in to my neck.

"I thought this could be dangerous?" he whispered in a deep tone, before placing tons of kisses from behind my ear down to my shoulder. I gasped and closed my eyes.
"It still is..." I whispered breathlessly.
"Yea? And why did you unlock the door then?" he whispered again, while his hand went to stroke my breasts... down to my stomach... "come on, Jade. You know you want this as much as I do." he teased after a while.

I couldn't hold back anymore, so I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, locking our lip in a hungrily and passionate kiss. Our tongues immediately found each other, dancing in a perfect rhythm.
Both his hands traveled down to my butt, squeezing it and pushing me closer to his pelvis, making me feel his bulge against my lower stomach.

"Take it or leave it, Michael. I need you. Now." I said on his lips, he locked his eyes into mine and smirked.
"Whatever you wish, m'lady." he whispered, and picked me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist.

He then walked over to the bed, placing me down. In a matter of seconds, he removed the towel that was once wrapped around my body, and his hand started stroking every inch of my skin, causing goosebumps everywhere he touched me.

"So beautiful..." he whispered and started kissing my stomach, going down to my v-area.

He then opened my legs, crossing one leg around his neck, so that he has more access to my nudity.
His tongue soon started licking my pearl in a slow rhythm, stroking my skin ever so gently, a feeling of pure highness and ecstasy washing over me.

"Fuck! Michael! Yes..." I moaned, as I tilted my head back, biting my lower lip as hard as I could.

Then he sped up the rhythm, until he started sucking away all my wetness.

"You still taste so good, Jade... damn..." he whispered once he climbed back on top of me, locking his lips onto mine so that I could taste myself, making me moan.
"Michael... please..." I begged. He smirked.

He understood the assignment and quickly undressed himself.
Then he grabbed one of my legs again and placed it on his shoulder, spreading the other one wide open, before filling me up with his length.
We both released a loud moan of satisfaction.

"Oh god, Jade..." he moaned, while tilting his head back. His lips slightly parted, his eyes closed, his nose wrinkled. What a God!
"MICHAEL!" I moaned as he started thrusting slowly but deep inside of me, stroking my inner walls.

After a few more thrusts, he started speeding up the rhythm, hitting my g-spot with each thrust. My breath now stuck in my throat, my back arched... with each minute that went by I felt like coming closer to my peek.

"FUCKKKK!" I screamed.

At some point he pulled out, and made us both stand up. He picked me up again, this time he wrapped his arms underneath my legs so that they were floating in the air and resting on the inside of his arms.
He pressed me against the wall, before filling me up again with a sudden thrust.

"OHHHH GOD, MICHAEL." I screamed on top of my lungs, as I felt his erection really deep inside of me. He was now stroking my walls in a fast and steady rhythm.
"Fuck, Jade." he moaned breathlessly.
"M-MICHAEL, I-I'M ABOUT TO-.." I said, but right before I could finish my legs started shaking and my juices exploded all over him like never before.

It took him only a few more seconds until he also released a full load of climax inside of me, accompanied by a loud groan of satisfaction.

*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I slowly pulled out of her, and walked us over to the bed, making her lay down.
I was now laying next to her in spoon position, as we tucked ourselves under the bedsheets.
She cuddled close to my chest with her back, searching for warmth, love and comfort.

"Jade?" I whispered in her ear from behind,
"Hm?" she mumbled,
"I... I love you..." I whispered. After a few seconds she turned around, her eyes meeting mine.
"I know... I love you too." she whispered back. I gulped, trying to swallow the lump that has formed in my throat again. "But this is the last time that it happened... this isn't good... for neither of us..." she added. I nodded in agreement.

Then she crossed her leg over mine, her head resting on my shoulder, her hand gently stroking my cheek.
I carefully grabbed her hand and kissed every fingertip.

"I'm so sorry..." I whispered and started sobbing. She immediately embraced me in her arms, stroking my hair.
"Shhh... I know..." she cooed softly. "I know..." she whispered again, while holding me close to her.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer, still sobbing into the crook of her neck.
Her cologne calming me down after a few minutes.

She then cupped my face, making me look at her. Her thumbs softly wiped away my tears as she flashed me a sweet smile.

"You didn't deserve any of that... it's all my fault. I'm truly and deeply sorry, Jade. I love you, I really do, and I always will." I whispered in a cracked and raspy voice,
"I know... it's okay..." she whispered softly, before pecking my lips. "Try to get some sleep now... I won't go anywhere." she whispered again, making me cuddle on her chest.

At some point, my muscles started to relax, my mind turned off, and I drifted in a peaceful slumber, crawled by her embrace.
I haven't slept that good in ages... she's my safe place. She's the one I need to be able to keep going.

But I know that this night won't repeat again in a near future...
This was going to be the first and last time.
Still, I am glad that she has given me this chance tonight.

For the first time in ages, I felt complete again.

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