Chapter 13 - Done

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𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟽𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟼 - 𝟷𝟸 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I was now on my way to the Studio again, to record the latest song that I've written - the rock Song - titled 'Dirty Diana'.
But of course today is not my lucky day, since we got a traffic ticket, and that made me arrive late to today's recording sessions in the Studio.

"Damn, Mike, where have you been?!" Quincy scolded as soon as I arrived,
"I'm sorry, we got a traffic ticket, that's why we got late. I'm so sorry, let's get immediately to work." I replied and quickly made my way into the cabin.

I explained them how the sound and the rhythm should go, what I want and what I don't want, and when we discussed all those things I put the headphones on and the music started playing.

We had to record it over and over again, since I wasn't completely satisfied with the sound. Today was a pretty tough day, but after a couple of hours we finally had the song.
It has three verses and three bridges, as well as a guitar solo by Steve Stevens.

"Oh, no
Oh, no
Oh, no
You'll never make me stay
So take your weight off of me
I know your every move
So won't you just let me be
I've been here times before
But I was too blind to see
That you seduce every man
This time you won't seduce me
She's saying, "That's okay
Hey, baby, do what you please
I have the stuff that you want
I am the thing that you need
She looked me deep in the eyes
She touchin' me so to start
She says there's no turnin' back"
She trapped me in her heart
Dirty Diana, nah
Dirty Diana, nah
Dirty Diana, no
Dirty Diana
Let me be"

𝟻:𝟹𝟶 𝙿.𝙼.

When I arrived back home, I had a sudden idea for a new song. So I immediately walked into the house Studio, grabbed my notebook and my pen and started writing down some lyrics.

I'm headed for the border
It's on my mind
And nothin' really matters
I've got to be on time
Look in the view mirror
Is he hot on my tracks
Is he getting nearer
I feel some heat, is on my back
Speedin' on the freeway, gotta get a lead way
(Speed demon)
Doin' it on the highway, gotta have it my way
(Speed demon)
Mind is like a compass, I'm stoppin' at nothin'
(Speed demon)
Yeah, pull over, boy, and get your ticket right

I guess the traffic ticket was somehow helpful today.

At some point someone walked into the Studio, and when I turned around I noticed it was Janet.

"Still working?" she asked in a playful tone and sat down on the couch,
"Yea, I have to get through it. We've come pretty far already." I replied and smiled at her,
"Have you heard from Jade lately?" she asked,
"No, she has been in Hawaii for a shooting a while ago and when I called her she said she was pretty busy with work. Why?" I asked confused,
"Just askin' ... Kenzie said to Randy that Jade is thinking about getting divorce from her husband. I thought she talked with you 'bout it." she replied.

Divorce?! Is it really that bad?

"Uhh, no, she didn't... I might call her soon." I said,
"Yea, you should." she replied and left the studio.

I raised my arm and looked at the time on my watch, it's not that late... maybe I should try and call her now?

*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I was now in the middle of a fight with Paul, when the phone suddenly started ringing.
He went to pick up...

"Oh, of course it's you..." he scoffed in a sarcastic tone, I looked at him with a furious look. "She's a bit busy now, man, why don't you call some other time instead of being so nosey all the time?" he hissed. I immediately walked closer and grabbed the speaker,
"Hello?" I said,
"Jade? Is everything alright? I'm sorry if it's not the right timing ..." Michael's soft voice filled my ears and somehow made me calm down,
"Hey Mike... it's okay... listen, can I call you back?" I replied, trying to be as calm as possible.
"Sure, no problem." he said and shortly after we hung up.

I turned back to look at Paul, more frustrated than before.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled,
"You're seriously asking me what is wrong with me? You are the main problem here. You can't even decide what man you want, you play with my feelings, with Michael's feelings, just like a heartless bitch, and you come up and ask me what is wrong with me? Seriously, Jade? Tell me the truth, have you been fucking him? Hm? Did you cheat on me?" he yelled back at me, my jaw literally dropped on the floor.
"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO JEALOUS ABOUT HIM? I TOLD YOU MULTIPLE TIMES WE'RE JUST FRIENDS." I yelled even louder this time, approaching him and hitting with my hand balled in a fist against his chest.

Tears now filled my eyes, threatening to stream down my cheeks... I gulped.

"Yea, yes I love him. And? You know what, Paul? Marrying you was a mistake. You are a piece of shit and I really don't know how I could've married you when I could have had better. I mean, look at Michael, he is the real man, he loves and respects me... he doesn't act like a fucking moron like you do. I'm done with you, Paul. I'm filing divorce. Now get out of my house!" I tried to say without yelling, but you could clearly hear in my voice how done and frustrated I was with this man.

"FINALLY! Finally you admitted that you love that son of a bitch instead of me. If I would've known what a bitch you can be, I would've never proposed to you. I'm so glad that you're kicking me out, because if you wouldn't have, I would have left anyway. So... thank you for making this much easier for me. I'm contacting my lawyer, we'll wait for your divorce papers." he said and walked into the room to pack his stuff.

After good fifteen minutes, he was done. He walked right past me, he didn't even look at me he just placed the keys on the table and left my condo, slamming the door shut behind him.

I let my body slide to the floor, my knees to my chest, tears streaming down my cheeks. Finally... it's over. I feel much lighter now. For this entire time it felt like I would've had a rock on my chest... but now that I finally let it all out, I feel better. I don't know why I said that earlier, but I guess that's just what I feel... I love him. I love Michael.
Michael! I have to call him back.

I quickly stood up and wiped my tears away. I then grabbed the speaker and started to dial his number... after a few beep's he finally picked up.

"Jade?" his soft tone whispered,
"H-hey you..." I whispered in a shaky and cracked voice,
"A-are you crying? What happened?" he asked, concern clearly audible in his tone. I sighed.
"We had a fight... well... we... we broke up. I broke up. I'm filing divorce. I just kicked him out." I explained,
"Gosh, Jade, I'm so sorry..." he cooed, making me giggle. No he's not...
"It's okay. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while anyway, so..." I replied.

We stayed over the phone the entire night, he helped me to calm down and even made me laugh. He insisted on wanting to come over, but since it's late already I said that he doesn't have to, that's how we ended up talking over the phone until 2 A.M.

"Michael?" I whispered, while sitting on my bed.
"Hmm?" he hummed,
"It's 2 A.M. ... you should get some sleep." I said and giggled,
"I'll go to sleep when you do too." he replied, making me smile like an idiot. My heart pounding as fast as ever.
"You don't have to..." I whispered,
"I don't have to, but I want to." he replied.
"Alright... let's go both to sleep, how about that?" I offered,
"Are you saying this just to hang up on me, or are you really going to sleep?" he teased, making us both laugh.
"No, I'm really going to sleep, idiot." I replied,
"Alright then... good night, Jade. Call me if you need anything, okay?" he then said in a soft tone, making my heart flutter.
"Will do, I promise. Good night, Mike." I whispered, and hung up.

I tucked myself under the bedsheets and looked outside the big window of my bedroom, until my eyes started burning and my eyelids started feeling heavy.

Slowly, I drifted in a deep and peaceful slumber... that night, I dreamt of me and Michael.
I guess it's just my subconscious telling me that he's the man that I love...

'Search your heart' my mother once told me... I did. My heart belongs to him.

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