Chapter 64 - PMJ

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𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟷𝟹𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟽 - 𝟷𝟸 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Today is officially due date. I have been having light cramps for all morning, and right now it's noon but still nothing happened...
The cramps are bearable right now, and they are about thirty minutes apart.

The Doctor said when I have strong cramps that last at least one minute, and if they come every five minutes for an hour straight, then I'm probably in active labor and that's when I need to go to the Hospital.
Michael has been anxious and excited the entire morning now, and he keeps telling me to sit down or to go to the hospital. The Doctor on the other hand said, that it's good if I walk, that way I can stimulate the contractions so that labor begins sooner.

So I started walking up and down the stairs, walking around, and even doing some exercises but still... nothing.

"How are your cramps doing, baby?" Michael asked as he approached me in the bedroom, I was now sitting on the bed, stroking my huge belly.
"I think they're starting to get stronger now... but still bearable." I replied, and tried to take deep breaths.
"If you want we can try to walk around the Ranch..." he offered,
"Yea.. we can try." I said and quickly grabbed his hand, trying to get up.

We put our coats and shoes on, and went for a walk around the Ranch, hand in hand.
At some point I had to stop, and squeezed Michael's hand really tight before releasing a loud groan.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern clearly audible in his voice.
"Yeah... just a strong cramp..." I replied breathlessly. After a good minute we started walking again, but five minutes later I had another cramp, so strong that I had to slightly bend over.
"Jade we should go to the Hospital." Michael said firmly.
"No. Not yet." I hissed, and once I regained my composure we started walking again.

After good ten minutes, I had a much stronger cramp and felt a liquid running down my leg. I looked down and noticed that I was staying in a puddle of water.

"Oh shit." I grunted,
"W-what is happening?" Michael asked,
"My water just broke... maybe we should go to the Hospital." I whimpered,
"It's time?" he asked anxiously,
"It's time." I replied and nodded.

So we walked back, and while Bill helped me inside the car Michael ran inside to grab our bags.
Once he joined us in the car, Bill started driving at high speed to the Hospital.

The contractions kept getting stronger and they were now five minutes apart, just like the Doctor said.
Michael didn't complain about me squeezing his hand during the entire ride... and poor man, his hand was now red like a tomato.

As soon as we arrived at the Hospital, Bill ran inside to get a wheelchair, and then they helped me to sit in it before riding me inside the building.
The nurses escorted us to a delivery room and helped me to get changed, before laying on the stretcher with my legs wide open... they started to put tons of cables on my belly, so that we can hear the baby's heartbeat.

"The Doctor will be here soon, to examine your cervix." the nurse explained,
"May it be possible to get something against the pain ?" I cried,
"We have to wait and ask the Doctor, I can't take this decision for him, I'm sorry." she replied flashing me a sad smile, I scoffed.
"Whatever!" I hissed and released another groan because of a contraction.

Just like the nurse has mentioned, the Doctor came in a few minutes after she left and examined my cervix.

"Mrs. López you are now six centimetres dilated, which means that you're in active labor. Is this your first pregnancy?" he asked, while taking off his gloves. I squeezed Michael's hand and nodded. "Well, then it may take up to twelve hours... if you want I can give you something against your pain." he said and sighed.
"Yes please!" I cried, making the Doctor giggle.
"Coming." he said and went to grab the fluids and putting it in a syringe, before approaching me again and injecting the medicine through my IV.

Within a couple minutes I started feeling relieved... this medicine really works like magic.

The hours went by, and still the baby was not there.
Michael stayed by my side the entire time, cuddled with me, hummed a song or two to relax me and the baby... and of course he was overly excited to meet our son.
Me on the other hand, started feeling tired as hell. So I ended up falling asleep in Michael's embrace.

*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

It was now midnight, we have been in the Hospital almost the entire day, and still the baby's not here.

Jade has been sleeping most of the time, but right now she suddenly woke up because of a strong contraction. I could hear the baby's heartbeat getting faster each time...

Shortly after the Doctor came back inside to check on her cervix, and see if she's ready to push.

"You are now eight centimetres dilated. We're almost there, just have a little bit more patience." the Doctor said, while I softly stroke Jade's sweaty hair.
"HOW MUCH PATIENCE CAN A WOMAN HAVE?!" she yelled, clearly frustrated. I had to bite my lip really hard, trying to hold back a laughter.
"Shhhh.. baby, it's okay. Calm down." I cooed softly, while the Doctor walked out of the room giggling.
"I know, I know... but it only gets worse if you don't calm down... relax." I cooed again, hoping that she will give in and finally calm down.

Unfortunately she started crying... I sighed and lied down next to her, cuddling her onto my chest.

"It's okay, baby..." I whispered and placed a soft kiss onto her forehead.
"I'm tired, Michael, I can't do this anymore." she cried,
"Yes you can, baby. We're almost there, and once you'll hold our son in your arms everything else will disappear. I promise." I cooed.

Around 1 A.M. the Doctor came inside again, and it was now finally time. She was fully dilated, and she has to push... our son is about to be born!

"Alright Mrs. López... when you feel another contraction coming, that's when you have to push. Take several deep breaths, and when you're ready to push hold it in and bring your chin to your chest. Okay?" the Doctor explained, while positioning himself at her entrance, sitting on a footstool.
"Okay..." she replied in a shaky voice.

Soon we heard the baby's heartbeat getting faster, a sign that she was having another contraction. So she did as the doctor said, she took several deep breaths and when she was ready she squeezed my hand as hard as she could, held her breath, tilted her chin on her chest and released a loud scream... while pushing.

"Very good, very good, again! Relax..." the Doctor said.

It took her good seventeen minutes, and at 1:17 A.M. we heard our child's cry for the first time as he got welcomed to the world.
My eyes were full with tears and burning like hell... I looked over to our son, still covered in a little bit of blood and placenta, and yet he looked simply perfect.

"Mr. Jackson? Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" the Doctor asked with a smile on his face,
"S-sure." I replied smiling widely, before wiping away my tears and taking the scissor.

After I've cut the umbilical cord, our son was placed on Jade's naked breasts. Her arms immediately wrapped around our baby, holding him and glancing at him.
She then looked up to me, her eyes watery and red, a weak and tired smile painted on her lips.
I smiled back and gently stroke her hair...

"He's so beautiful, just like his daddy." she whispered in between the sobs.

Welcome to the world Prince Michael Jackson.

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