Chapter 71 - She saved him

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***11 YEARS LATER***

𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟻𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟶9 - 𝟷 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

All those years with Michael have been amazing. Ever since we got married eleven years ago, things have gone smoothly.
We love each other more than before, if that's even possible. At some point I stopped taking the pill... and on February 2002 we welcomed to the world our fourth child: Prince Michael Jackson II / Blanket.

I even started working again, and Michael is now rehearsing for his last Tour. Even though I told him not to, since it's really stressful and he just can't put himself through that anymore... but he kept saying that he has to do it for his fans.
The bond he has with his fans all over the world is something beyond amazing... no one can break that bond. And it's really really special to him too... so I decided to accept his decision and supported him no matter what.

I was now at home with our children ... he stayed out the entire night and still didn't come back home. Which is weird... I mean, yea, he does come back home pretty late from rehearsal sometimes... but not coming back at all? I also tried to call someone to see if they can give me any news, but no one was picking up.

Once I stepped out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my naked body and walked over to the sink...
I have been feeling pretty exhausted and just simply weird lately... that is why I now decided to take a pregnancy test. Gosh, I haven't used those in a while... is it crazy for me to use one of those at my age? I mean, I'm 48 now... I sighed and peed on the stick, before placing it next to the sink.

In the meantime I started getting dressed and brushed my teeth. After three minutes I took a deep breath and looked down at the test...


I started giggling and shaking my head in disbelief. Here we are... almost 51 and 48 ... about to have our fifth child. But hey... this has been his dream since forever, and he really did mean it when he said he wanted twelve children.
It's just crazy that it's happening for real.

I hid the pregnancy test in the drawer of my bed side table, and right when I was about to leave our bedroom my phone started ringing. Katherine...

"Hi mother." I replied smiling widely... there was silence. And I didn't get a good feeling at it. My smile slowly faded away and I froze in the spot ... "Katherine?" I whispered... she started sobbing. "Katherine, what happened?" I said while concern and anxiety started washing over me.
"M-Michael..." she whispered between her sobs.
"What is with him? Have you heard of him?" I asked in a shaky voice. Then there was some noise and a male voice talked instead of her...
"Jade? It's Jermaine..." he said, and my heart started pounding ever so fast.
"Jermaine? What the hell is going on?!" I asked in a loud tone,
"You have to come to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center... Michael has been transported here a couple of hours ago." he said lowly, my breath now heavy... I started feeling dizzy... to the point where I had to hold the stairway very tight.
"W-why? What happened?" I asked while closing my eyes...
"After rehearsal he called Dr. Murray.. he couldn't sleep and asked for Propofol... now he isn't responding." he choked.

That's when I lost it... I fell onto my knees and started sobbing ever so loud.
Prince came running to me...

"Mom? What's wrong?" he asked worriedly,
"I-I have to go s-somewhere... can you p-please watch over your little brother?" I stuttered,
"Of course!" he replied in a calm tone. He's just like his father...

I embraced him in a tight hug and placed a kiss onto his head, before running outside and telling Bill to escort me to the Hospital.

Once we arrived I ran inside and asked for directions... arrived in the corridor, I spotted Katherine, Jermaine and Joseph sitting in some chairs... they were all crying.
Then I noticed another guy... he had a guilty look on his face. I clenched my jaw and wiped my tears away, approaching him in a fast speed.

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