Chapter 13 - Perth

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𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷9𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟻
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I arrived in Perth, Australia yesterday. It was a twenty-one hours long flight, but I already know that it's going to be worth it.

I am planning on going to visit the Princess Margaret Children's Hospital and I am also going to attend an interview on a Australian TV Program called 'Telethon' today.

Right after I stepped out of my private jet, I got welcomed by a sea of chanting fans. This, is one of my favourite moments... I get to meet the fans all around to world, seeing them in person. It truly is a magical feeling and it makes me happy.

I love children. They are the purest and most innocent soul's, sometime I feel like I get along better with children than with adults. Being around them makes me happy, they are the reason why the world keeps going. Without them, this world would be such a bad place.

As soon as I arrived at the Hospital, I got welcomed and greeted by many nurses and Doctors. I thanked them dearly for letting me come here today, and after some chatting they escorted me to the children's hospital ward.
There were many many ill children, some even with terminal or life-threatening illnesses... seeing this makes my heart cry and bleed.
That's why I like to meet them in person, spend time with them, chat with them and their parents, bring them gifts such as toys or even giving them an autograph.

This innocent soul's truly deserve everything in this world. They mean everything to me.

After spending a few hours there in the Hospital, I got escorted to the Studio where I am going to attend the interview.

Once I made it to the Studio, my make-up got freshened up and I quickly got ready, before my name was being called, a sign that it was my moment to step out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to Telethon 1985... Michael Jackson." the man said.

My song 'Thriller' played in the background, as I walked outside smiling and waving at the chanting audience.
I walked towards two men waiting for me and gently shook their hands before taking a seat between them.

"Michael, welcome to Perth, officially. We've had the Lord Mayor's welcome and ... thousands of teenagers and young and oldies were gathered to see you today, you've had a pretty busy day so far?" one of the men's asked,
"Yes, I have." I replied, still a bit shy.
"What did you think, uh, this morning at Princess Margaret Hospital?" he asked me again,
"It was wonderful... it was a wonderful experience to see all the children, I loved it." I replied,
"It's amazing, Molly, how so many entertainers have this great love for children, isn't it?" he asked to another man,
"Yes it is, but I think that it bears out where, uhm... especially on the Victory Tour, where you took so much time running yourself with your brother's to go to the hospital's, and ... to see the kids, just the faces, my eyes light up. Is just worth it itself." he replied, "he must've, uh, it was - I saw the footage tonight, it looked great." he added. "I'm going to say thank you for coming to Australia, too, I think it's a fantastic effort on your path." he finally said.

"Well, I'm happy to be here. Everybody has been so wonderful and so kind, it's worth the trip... it's a long flight, but it's worth it." I said and smiled.
"We've been very lucky, because we've had Sammy Davis who came out here for two Telethon's, and... lastly we had Cliff Richard and this year we've got Michael Jackson - and, ladies and gentlemen, I must tell you, we-we've got some marvellous gifts from Michael. And we have some young ladies, some models from Gemma International" he said and I couldn't help but grin and suck my teeth, as I felt like blushing a little bit, "if they'd like to bring in these are some gifts that Michael has donated to us, that we will in fact be raffling, we're auctioning off at various stages. Now.. the first thing that you see coming in... are some socks that Michael wore in a concert, now you can see in the back of that glass box, that he had signed an authenticated, these were worn by Michael ... there are two magnificent Billie Jean hats and right at the end, Molly, and I'd like you to describe this, if you would... because, there's a special record set, from CBS for Thriller." the man kept explaining.

"Well, uhm, as I said before, uhm... the Thriller Album , not only around the world, but in this country, just kept selling and selling and selling... and I think it's got to a point now, that you'd have to build a house yourself Michael just don't fit the records in it... it was a great effort, and uhm... and that's great for someone to be able- to be able to have that in their own house." he replied.

The interview and the Show kept going for a little while, and even though I got shy - especially after the models walked in - I can say that I enjoyed being there.
Like I already said, everybody has been really nice and kind, and this trip was absolutely worth it.

*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I was now sitting in front of the television, watching Michael's interview in Perth, Australia.
The moment where towards the end two ill children were brought to him, made me so emotional.
I've never met a man like him, with such a kind and generous heart.

Michael truly is a one of a kind, in all senses.
The more I see him, the more I learn about him, the more time I spend with him... the more my feelings are confused.

Paul noticed, that's why we are still fighting here and then.
But we decided to go visit my family over the Christmas Holidays, maybe this way we get to spend some time off from this chaos and maybe we can clear and sort things out between the two of us.
Now I understand when people say that marriage isn't easy. I can confirm it now, it's definitely not easy. Especially when your feelings are confused...

My family lives in Pomona, which is about twenty-nine miles from Los Angeles. I already told them that we're going for the Holidays, and my mother was the first one being overly excited.
I haven't seen them in so long... sometimes I feel like I miss home.
But what I already know for sure, is that my mother is going to be the first one to notice that something just doesn't feel right in my marriage... and as soon as I tell her about Michael, she'll go crazy.

I just have one more shooting to do before the Holidays and then I'll be free until February next year.
Thank God.

Right as I was about to go take a shower, the phone went off.

"I'll take it." I said to Paul and walked to the phone picking up,
"Hey Bestie!" Kenzie said excitedly not even letting me talk as I picked up, making me giggle.
"Hi Kenz." I replied,
"Have you seen the interview??" she asked, with a lot of excitement in her voice.
"Yea I did." I replied,
"Gosh how cute is he?! Have you seen how good he treats children? Now that is the father every woman wants for their children." she said making me tilt my head back and laugh,
"Kenz, you're so crazy, for real. Yes, he treats them good because they mean a lot to him. Children are everything for him and I admire so much what he does for them... I've never seen anyone doing such things." I replied almost whispering so that Paul couldn't hear me,
"Mhhh, I see someone has figured out her feelings?" she teased making me blush,
"No, I haven't. Shut up." I whined,
"So what are you gonna do for the Holidays?" she asked changing the subject,
"Uhm, we're going to my family in Pomona... we thought that we could need some time off to clear things out. We'll see..." I explained,
"Is it still that bad?" she asked, now clearly concerned. I sighed.
"Yea... but we'll talk about it some other time, okay?" I replied,
"You're not alone at the moment, I got it. Hey, we should go out one of these nights... before you leave for Pomona, I mean." she said,
"Sure, will do. Hear ya, Kenz. Love you." I replied,
"Love you too, girl." she said before we hung up.

I could feel Paul's look on me wherever I go, but I tried to ignore it.
I know he has overheard my conversation with Kenzie, but I really do not give a damn right now. I am going to spend the Holidays with him and my family, but if his jealousy won't get better in the next couple of months, I promise to God I'll file for divorce.

And... I should really consider figuring my feelings out for Michael.
Perhaps, my mother could help me out with that. Who knows...

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