Chapter 7 - Fashion Show

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𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟼𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟺 - 𝟻 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I was now backstage of the Tower Gallery in 18th street in New York City. I'm already wearing my first outfit and the Fashion Show is about to start.
I don't know if Michael's there already, but I feel somewhat nervous. Really nervous.

"Jade, my love, are you ready?" the stylist asked me, checking on my outfit.
"Yes, yes I am." I replied and flashed a nervous smile.
"You look gorgeous. Now go, show them who you are!" he said making me giggle.

Soon enough, the Show started, and the first models started making their way on the runway, posing in front of the stage for a photo before walking back.
After a few minutes and a few more models, it was finally my turn. I took a deep breath and started walking on the runway in a sensual but confident way. My eyes traveled to the guests, and ... there he is! Of course he was wearing his aviators, as usual, but I would recognise those ebony curls and that perfect smile everywhere. I winked at him, before stopping and posing at the front of the stage, ready for the photo.

I could hear Michael chanting for me, and that made me blush like crazy. I then turned around and walked backstage again, ready to change for my next outfit.

After good twenty minutes and a few outfits later, the Fashion Show was over. I already changed into my regular clothes again, when I heard knocking on the door of my dressing room. Shortly after, Michael walked inside, flashing me a wide smile.

"Hey you." I said excitedly,
"Hey. You did an amazing job out there, you were the most perfect between all those models. I'm impressed." he complimented before embracing me in a friendly hug,
"Thank you so much, Mike. And thank you for coming, it means a lot to me." I whispered in the crook of his neck. We then stepped back and looked into each other's eyes.
"Anything for you... so, how about some dinner? Are you down for that?" he offered, flashing me a big smile.
"Of course! I would never turn you down and I'm quite hungry too, to be honest." I replied making us both giggle.

I quickly packed my stuff and walked out with him, a limousine waiting for us. We entered and took a seat.
Before headed to the Restaurant that Michael has rented for tonight, we drove back to the Hotel where I was staying so that I could change.

I opted for a pair of dark-grey jeans, with a strapless glittery top, and some high heels. My hair and makeup was still perfect from the Fashion Show, so I didn't need to touch up anything. Once I was ready, I walked back to the car, and Michael's security quickly drove to the Restaurant that Michael has rented for us.

Paparazzi's already waiting for us near the entrance.
They kept shouting tons of questions at us, which we totally ignored, we simply flashed them a smile before disappearing inside the building.

A waitress walked up to us and escorted us to a table, before handing us the menu's. In a matter of minutes, we ordered our food, and while waiting we chatted.

"So... is Paul still treating you good?" he asked nervously, I giggled.
"Yea, why do you keep asking every time?" I replied,
"I just want to make sure that he's treating you the way you deserve." he said in a shaky voice,
"Don't worry. Everything's fine. And how are you? I mean... after the breakup with Brooke and all..." I replied, saying the last sentence almost whispering.
"I'm doing good." he said, flashing me a smile.
"Are you sure? It's okay if you're not, Mike... I'm here for you." I then said in a soft tone, stretching my arm out to him and gently caressing his knuckles.
"I'm sure, Jade. Don't worry." he said looking deep into my eyes. I sighed and nodded.

We then started talking about the tour, and enjoyed our food and spent the night talking and joking around like the good friends we are.

𝟽 𝙿.𝙼.

After dinner, Michael escorted me back to the Hotel where I was staying, and I insisted that he should come to my room with me so that we could watch a film together. It took me quite some time to convince him, but in the end he agreed.

Arrived in my suite, I quickly changed into more comfortable clothes and grabbed a bottle of wine, pouring some in two glasses, before seating on the couch and watching a film.

Three glasses after, we couldn't stop laughing, and instead of us watching the film it was like the film was watching us. This friendship that we have, is what I call an honest and genuine friendship, the most purest and healthiest friendship a woman and a man could ever share.
That... was until something more happened.
Suddenly, he started tickling me, to the point where I was laying with my back against the couch, and him on top of me... at some point, he stopped, and we stared into each other's eyes for way too long.

I could feel his warm breath caressing my skin on my cheek... my eyes automatically drifted down to his lips. I could feel his heart pounding against my chest...
Slowly, he leaned closer to my face, the tips of our noses touched giving me goosebumps. In a split second, his lips touched mine and I closed my eyes.
I hesitated a bit, before I actually kissed him back. My arms wrapped around his neck, while one of his hands were on one side of my head, trying to balance himself, while his other free hand cupped my face.

Our lips started moving in perfect sync, and soon enough I parted my lips allowing him access. That's when our tongues started an endless dance, making my heart almost jump out of my chest.

When I realised what we were doing, I popped my eyes open and gently pushed him back, both completely out of breath.

"M-Mike... we... we shouldn't..." I started, not knowing what words to use not to hurt him.
"I-I'm sorry... it was my fault..." he whispered, trying to catch some breath.
"N-no it's not, we both were involved in this... I'm sorry... we can't do that though." I then said, looking at him and trying to examine the look on his face.
"Yea... i-it's better if I go now... good night, Jade." he whispered and stood up, leaving my hotel suite.

Now, what the frick was that?!

I was left there, like an idiot, lost in my confusing thoughts.

*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*
9 𝙿.𝙼.

Once I arrived back to my Hotel Suite, I released a scream and sat down on my bed, my face in my palms.
What have I done? Why did I kiss her? And why did she allow me to do that?
God, I made a mistake and I hope that I'm going to lose a friend over some stupid feelings of mine.

After a while, I heard knocking on the door. I don't want to see nor talk to anybody right now...

"Mike? You okay in there?" Marlon shouted, I sighed and walked closer unlocking the door. Tears already streaming down my cheeks, while I walked back to sit on my bed. Marlon walked inside and came to sit next to me. "Hey... what happened?" he asked in a concerned voice.
"I messed it up... I messed it all up, Marlon. I'm such an idiot." I said trying to contain my tears.
"What are you talkin' 'bout ?" he asked confused.
"I broke up with Brooke... and I went out with Jade today, as friends, but then she invited me to stay at her Hotel Suite to watch a film... we had some wine a-and... we kissed. God, I feel awful." I explained and started pacing back and forth in front of my brother.
"I don't understand where the problem is... you clearly like Jade, I've noticed since the day you brought her home. So what's the point?" Marlon asked, looking at me.
"The problem is that she's taken, Marlon! With Paul." I said in a louder tone, immediately regretting raising my voice at him.
"Michael... it was just a kiss, right? Nothing happened. I'm sure you two had one or two glasses too many, and by tomorrow you'll both laugh about it and in a week everything will be forgotten." he said in a calm tone, walking closer to me and patting my shoulder.
"How are you so sure 'bout that?" I asked,
"Just trust me. Don't worry, alright?" he said flashing me a smile, I nodded and embraced him in a brotherly hug.
"Thank you..." I whispered.

After I've calmed down, he left and I went to take a quick shower, before putting my pajama on and tucking myself under the bedsheets.

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