Chapter 12 - Captain EO

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𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟷𝚜𝚝, 𝟷9𝟾𝟻
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I was now in a Dance Studio with Michael, and he was rehearsing with the Crew some dance steps for the choreography of their short film.

Watching this personally and live, hits completely different. I can see how much effort he puts into his work, and that's something I truly admire.
He is such a big star, I've never seen anything nor anyone compared to him.

The way he dances, the way he moves, the way he works... I would never get tired of watching him.

I simply sat there in the corner of the room, and I felt completely blown away by his rehearsal.
Here and then he would look at me and flash me a smile or wink at me.

I would chant for him and he would get so shy and embarrassed, I feel like I am a distraction for him but hey... that's what he did to me too when I had my shooting.

When he finally had a little break, he came to sit next to me.

"So? What do you think?" he asked me excitedly, like a child wanting to know what his mother thinks. I giggled.
"I am impressed and I love what you're doing there. The song is simply incredible, and the way you dance and the effort you put into your work... it's amazing, Mike." I explained, he blushed and smiled widely, looking away from me.
"I'm a perfectionist and I do put a lot of effort in my work, I want to deliver the best I can. I want to give people more than what they expect, you know what I mean?" he then replied,
"Yea, and you're doing an amazing job. You'll see, this short film will be legendary." I replied, not taking my eyes off of him.
"Thank you so much, Jade... for being here and for supporting me." he then said, locking his eyes with mine. I smiled.
"No need to thank me." I whispered back.

"Mike? Come back here, let's get back to work!" one of them shouted, Michael placed a quick peck on my cheek before running back to the crew and starting rehearsal all over again.

They tried different dance steps and tried to put a choreography together.
That's pretty much how it went the entire day.

𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟷𝟻𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟻

Today Michael and the rest are shooting the short film for 'Captain EO' and he insisted on wanting to have me there, behind the scenes.

Of course I accepted, I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world.
I've been there throughout all his rehearsal, and now I also get to be behind the scenes while they shoot this masterpiece.
I would never leave him alone in a moment like this, and I felt immensely grateful for being able to be here today.

Oh, and... let's not even talk about his outfit. DAMN DOES HE LOOK GOOD.

Seeing how they use all these effects for a film is impressive and breathtaking, I've never seen the work that some people put into shooting a Film. This is my first experience witnessing this, and I'm loving it.

You would never get bored when you're around a person like Michael.
This is beyond extraordinary.
They definitely picked the right guy for this short film.

In between the takes or the breaks, he would come up to me and ask me if I'm enjoying it. Then he would get scolded because he needed to get back in the scene, and I would laugh my ass off.

There was one specific moment where I couldn't stop laughing my ass off... it was during those scenes, where he would keep yelling 'Hooter!!!'
That was actually the first time I've seen him yelling, and I was just too amused to see that.
He would get distracted by my laughter and they had to retake those scenes over and over again, but fortunately no one got mad at us, it's the opposite... they laughed too! And Michael seemed to have fun as well.

It was an amazing experience.

*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Besides Jade, there were also other fellow celebrities behind the scenes, who are supporting me through this entire project. Celebrities like Elizabeth Taylor and Sophia Loren.
They're all here, and we are all having so much fun together.

If they are enjoying it, so am I.

I am trying to deliver the best I can to impress Jade, and every time I would look at her she would flash me one of those sweet and radiant smiles that only she can give me.

After a long day of shooting, I was finally over.
I have been escorted to the dressing room so that I could change back into my regular clothes, and right when I was about to take my costume off I heard knocking on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted, and shortly after a smiling Jade walked in and closed the door behind her.
"You did such an amazing job!" she exclaimed excitedly and threw her arms around my neck, embracing me in a sweet hug. I placed my hands on her lower back and pulled her closer, while I felt how hard I was blushing.
"Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed and that you had fun." I whispered before stepping back. Our eyes met for a few seconds before she giggled and stepped back again.
"I did. Just wait until you get back home, we have to celebrate!" she then said, and now it was my turn to giggle.
"Celebrate?" I asked amused,
"Yea! Come on, hurry up." she said excitedly and placed a kiss onto my cheek before running outside.

I smiled like an idiot and shook my head, while I quickly changed my clothes before approaching her outside.

My security then escorted us to Hayvenhurst where my entire family, including Kenzie, were waiting to celebrate with me for my short film.

"God, did you arrange all of that?" I asked breathless as we stepped out of the vehicle,
"I did." she replied, I looked over at her and we smiled at each other. I instantly grabbed her hand, intertwining our fingers.
"You're incredible, thank you." I whispered, not taking my eyes off her's, while we kept walking until we approached my family.

They all chanted excitedly and walked us to the backyard. The picnic table was already full with food and drinks, it looks like they prepared a barbecue while we weren't there.

We all took a seat and started chatting about how the shooting of the film went. We joked around and had lots of fun.
That's until I noticed that someone wasn't there... Paul.
I tapped on Randy's arm who was sitting next to me and signed him to come closer, so that I could whisper in his ear.

"How come Paul is not here?" I whispered, he simply shrugged his shoulders.
"Kenzie said that they have been fighting lately, maybe that's why." he whispered back.

Fighting? I hope he's still treating her good, or else I might have a chat with him.

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