Chapter 37 - Goodbye

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*𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

That day, Jade's heart splattered into million pieces. She felt betrayed, disgusted, disappointed, hurt, fooled, cheated on.

She didn't want to go back to Neverland, not yet at least. She thinks that the best refuge at the moment is at her best friend's house: McKenzie.
That's why Wayne escorted her all the way over there.

Kenzie didn't hesitate to embrace her best friend in one of the most comforting hugs a friend could give. Jade immediately felt safe, she found solace in her best friend's arms.
She felt like she just wanted to disappear from the world... it was simply too much to take in.

Kenzie and Randy offered her to stay at their home as long as she needed to...
And after a couple of days, Jade had to go back to Neverland since she had to pack her stuff... she's moving out.
Her best friend decided to accompany her, not wanting to leave her side not even for a minute.
So they both made their way to Los Olivos. Jade's heart is still bleeding, the picture of her beloved with that woman kept playing over and over again in front in her eyes. Whether they were open or closed. She couldn't sleep at night, since she would get nightmares that have been torturing her ever since that day.
Jade looked unrecognisable. She had really bad dark eye-bags, her eyes constantly red and puffy because of the too much crying... she has promised herself to stop shredding tears for him, but she couldn't help it.

After a two hours long drive, they finally arrived. She was nervous like never before, not wanting to see his face ... not knowing what could happen if her eyes meet those beautiful dark-brown-doe eyes again.
Will she fall for it? Will she fall for him? Will she fall for his trap?
Will she get weak? Or dizzy?
She doesn't know.

"Come on... you can do this. I'm here with you, whatever happens." her best friend Kenzie comforted her in the most calming and soothing tone she could offer.

Jade wiped away her last tears and took a deep breath, before nodding at Kenzie as they both stepped out of the vehicle.
They made their way towards the entrance of the house that once was her happy place... their happy place... their love nest.

She ringed the bell, and shortly after the maid Blanca opened the door.

"Mrs. López. Good to see you again." she welcomed her friendly. Jade simply nodded before stepping inside.

Her eyes traveled around the place, making sure that he is nowhere to be seen... at least for now.
She knew that someday they have to face their problems and clear things out, she just wasn't ready yet.

"I'll be quick." she said to Kenzie and ran upstairs to what used to be their bedroom.

Thank god he's not here. She quickly grabbed her luggage and started stuffing it with her clothes, as fast as she could.
That's when she heard a noise... water running in the bathroom. Please don't tell me he's in there... she thought.

When she was finally done packing, she walked over to the door to exit the bedroom, but got stopped by the familiar voice she once loved to hear...

"Jade?..." he whispered.

She stopped right in the spot, in front of the door, her hand resting on the door knob. She closed her eyes and tried to swallow the lump that has formed in her throat for the millionth time that day.

"Y-you p-packed your stuff?" he whispered again, sadness guilt and anxiety clearly audible in his voice.

She wanted to speak up, but the words just won't come out. She felt like choking on her own breath. It felt like no more oxygen was left in her lungs.

"I left you... remember? I came to pack my stuff, now I'm leaving again. Goodbye, Michael." she whispered so silently that it was almost inaudible, but he understood every word... and it broke his heart.

Right when she opened the door and was about to walk out, he stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"Please... let me explain, before you disappear... I might never get to see you again, after today." he begged in a cracked voice, he was crying. She closed her eyes and gulped, the lump in her throat turned into a very tight knot, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. She sighed.
"We don't have anything to talk about..." she whispered, while a tear rolled down her cheek, which soon was followed by many others.
"Jade... please..." he begged desperately.

She finally turned around, not meeting his gaze.

"You have one minute. I'm counting..." she said firmly.

He released a sigh of relief and started speaking up, explaining to her that he's truly sorry for hurting her the way that he did... that it wasn't his intention. He explained how all of that happened, how much it has tortured him these past couple of months, the nightmares that he had, the way he tried to wash his guilt away with a bottle of Whiskey, how much he loves and needs his Jade... and how he went to Tatiana that day just to end things.

They were now both crying... they are both hurt.
But still, Jade couldn't believe nor forgive him...

"You explained yourself, you've got your chance... if you're finished, I'd like to leave now." she said turning around, giving him the cold shoulder.
"Please, forgive me, Jade... I love you!" he cried out loud,
"If you would've loved me, you would've respected me... I guess... I-I just w-wasn't enough ... for you." she said as she started sobbing, "Goodbye, Michael..." she choked out, before running out of the room.

She grabbed Kenzie and immediately stepped back into the car, driving out of the Ranch... that would've probably been the last time she would visit this Ranch or see his face.

Michael was left there, standing like a statue... in the bedroom... tears streaming down like a lake from his beautiful dark brown orbs... his feet petrified into the floor...
Tons of memories started travelling into his mind, from the very first time he met her at the Grammys six years ago, to their very first kiss, their first night in NYC... everything in between... until now.
That's when he realised, that he had lost the love of his life, forever. Just for a stupid mistake...

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