Chapter 62 - Attraction

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𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 9𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟼 - 𝟷𝟶 𝙰.𝙼.
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Me, Jade, Frank and some of my securities are now in a Studio here in Tokyo,Japan. I am attending an interview for NTV today, and later in the afternoon Jade has a shooting. She insisted on wanting to do a maternity shooting, but since I didn't want her to go alone we scheduled it for the afternoon.

Once we all got ready for the interview, the camera started rolling and questions started being asked..

"How did you feel about the Philippines' enthusiastic welcome?" someone translated for me in English, after the gentle and friendly man who was interviewing me asked his question.
"Oh I have been in the business all my life and you think I'd be used to it but there's that kind of rush, that love, you can feel their love and you can feel it more in different countries than others and here (Japan) was such a high level and it was great." I replied in a calm tone, smiling a little.
"It's been 3 months since the HIStory tour started. And we hear that you are touring many new countries. Of those new countries, which left you the biggest impression and why is that?" they translated again,
"Well, we put our hearts in performing and every night I give my all on stage. I don't put one country over the other, I mean everyone is as important as the next place. Some shows I just don't feel like going out because maybe my back hurts or I haven't slept the night before but as soon as the lights hit you and hear the roar from a hundred thousand people it's just magic, totally magic and I never get used to that and I've done it all my life." I replied honestly,
"Before the tour you made the SF Ghosts. What made you want to make it? And how did your fans react?" they translated, and right there and then an alarm kept going on and off continuously on somebody's watch, which was terribly distracting... I started laughing non-stop, not able to focus on the question or to give them my answer. It took me a while until I finally calmed down... we had to re-take the scene over and over again, and finally when I calmed down, I replied:
"Oh the reaction has been wonderful, I mean it's been exceptional, like overwhelming in Australia where we premiered it. It first premiered in Los Angeles but I didn't get to go to that one so I went to Australia and they loved it so much I could hardly hear what was going on on the screen. It was really exciting and it's a great feeling because we really worked hard on it. It's a short film with state of the art effects and high level entertainment and it's fun. It's really fun."

After a couple more questions, they asked me something about Jade's pregnancy:

"We hear you are welcoming a baby soon. With your new adventure, are there any things that you feel differently about?" I instantly smiled at the mention of our son,
"I think it would be the most joyous occasion of my life and I hope it is everything people talk about you know, because it is something I have always wanted. I would like to have 12 kids or more, I love kids, babies and I think that's what keeps me holding on and having faith in the world. That's our only hope I think and what inspires me the most." I replied honestly while flashing them a smile, and I could hear Jade gasping and freaking out further away. Once again, I tried hard to keep my composure and to not break out in laughter again.

"At last, could you give some messages to the Japanese fans who have been longing for your arrival?" they asked,
"I look forward to the concert and I look forward to feeling that great rush of love. I want the Japanese fans to know that I love them very much and I can't wait to see you." I said and smiled.

After thanking each other, and saying our goodbyes I walked back to Frank and Jade.
She looked so beautiful today... I mean, she always does, but today she had this different kind of glow... the pregnancy glow. Even though she was now 31 weeks pregnant, she still looked perfect to me.

"Twelve kids?! Really, Jackson?" she whined playfully, making Frank laugh his ass off.
"Yea, why not?" I teased and grinned,
"Oh yea? Why don't you get surgery then so that you can pop out kids on your own?" she scoffed and giggled afterwards , making me laugh as well.
"We'll discuss this some other time in private, how about we go grab something to eat before we head to your shooting?" I said softly, and wrapped my arm around her lower back, placing a soft kiss onto her cheek.
"Gosh, yes please! I'm starving." she whined,
"How is that possible? You literally ate an entire buffet for breakfast this morning." I joked and released a chuckle, she slowly turned her head to look at me, flashing me a serious and furious look.
"What are you tryin' to say, Jackson? That I'm getting fat?" she said, and Frank immediately gave me a look, shaking his head. I gulped.
"No, baby, you know I would never. You look perfect to me, always. I was just wondering-... it doesn't matter, let's go." I sighed.

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